Page 44 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 44
2237 A boxed Silver christening Mug, stamped 925, 2254 A large quantity of Epns to include: trays,
2 1/2'' tall, plus five silver handled butter muffin dishes, teapots, etc.
knives in fitted box, Sheffield 1935, a/f. 2255 A four piece Epns Sheffield teaset.
2238 A quantity of cutlery to include: butter knives, 2256 A cased set of six butter knives with Sheffield
dinner knives, salad servers, carving knife and silver handles, along with two mother of pearl
fork, etc. handle knives with Sheffield collars and
2239 A set of bone handled fish knives and forks, set another knife (as found).
of pastry forks and two Epns fruit spoons. 2257 Seven silver coffee Spoons, Birmingham,
2240 ****THIS LOT MUST BE COLLECTED IN maker William Suckling Ltd.
PERSON - NO POSTAGE. Proof of age will be 2258 A German silver Cream Jug decorated with
required on collection which should be by cherubs and scrolls, English import hallmark
prior arrangement. A set of Swiss St Moritz for Chester, by Berthold Muller and Son
cook's Knives. (importer of German Silver) 131 gms.
2241 A George III whalebone handled punch ladle 2259 A Silver toast Rack, London 1902, by William
inset with coin (1787), no hallmarks. Hutton & Son Ltd, 109 gms.
2242 A miniature silver Trophy, Birmingham 1906 2260 A cylindrical Silver tea Caddy, London 1914,
and four silver pill Boxes to include: Robert makers mark rubbed, 4 1/2'' tall, 113 gms.
Glover, continental, etc. 2261 A silver plated teapot and a quantity of plated
2243 A Silver Quaich, Edinburgh 1994 by Francis spoons
Howard Ltd., 3 1/2'' diameter. 2262 Three early 19th century Silver Tablespoons,
2244 An United Cutlers of Sheffield silver plated set London 1823,1826,1837, total weight 223
of eight, plus additional fish fork and knife set gms.
and teaspoons, all in a dark stained wooden 2263 Three ''Mary Chawner'' (MC) Silver dessert
box. Spoons, London 1834, total weight 119 gms.
2245 A quantity of Sheffield silver handled Knives to 2264 Four early 19th century Silver dessert Spoons,
include: a carving knife set, a sharpening 1808, 1814 x 2 and 1919, total 160 gms.
stone and steak knives by United Cutlery. 2265 A small Victorian silver Ladle, London 1842 by
2246 A boxed cheese and tea knives, a bread knife John & Henry Lias, 62 gms.
and fork with Sheffield silver handles by United 2266 Six mixed Silver Teaspoons including two
Cutlery. London 1874 maker Emanuel Brothers, one
2247 An Arden fine silver plate set of cutlery with six 1809 Alice & George Burrows, one 1812 and
place settings (in a plastic tray) with a boxed one being 1868.
carving set, plus a set of horn handled steak 2267 A quantity of silver plate to include: a religious
knives and a plated bottle coaster. altar crucifix, a metal five piece tea service,
2248 A quantity of Epns to include: a cased trays, egg cups and two sets of spoons, etc.
Elkington & Co teaspoons and sugar tongs set, 2268 Two silver plated naturalistic Epergnes, one as
cased Viners stainless steel spoons and found.
serving spoon set, egg cups, boxes cutlery, 2269 A quantity of EPNS to include: a coffee pot,
etc. cream jug and salt with blue glass liners,
2249 A pair of Silver candlesticks, Birmingham 1960 condiments, serving dishes, etc.
by Adie Bros Ltd, 6'' tall. 2270 A three piece plated Teaset.
2250 A pair of perfume Bottles having a clear glass 2271 A plated galleried oval tray, a candelabra and a
body with panelled design with 935 Sterling pair of candlesticks.
Austrian silver lids. 2272 A canteen of miscellaneous cutlery, plus a box
2251 Two presentation bottle Coasters with wooden of cutlery to include: boxed spoon and pusher,
bases, London 1982 maker David Shaw fish eaters, sugar tongs, etc.
Silverware Ltd. for the South East Wales Euro 2273 A Silver rose Bowl with embossed floral detail,
Constituency and Monmouth Conservative Sheffield 1904, Fenton Bros Ltd. 121 gms. plus
Association. wooden plinth.
2252 A large quantity of miscellaneous cutlery to 2274 Four silver apostle Spoons, Sheffield 1901, 51
include: cased fish eaters, Arthur Price dinner gms.
knives, teaspoons, etc. 2275 A Silver cream Jug with ribbed and floral detail,
2253 A quantity of ''Kings'' pattern cutlery to include: Sheffield 1892, James Dixon & Sons, 167 gms.
a ladle, spoons, forks, teaspoons, etc. 2276 Five silver Teaspoons, Exeter 1862, James &
Josiah Williams (JW & JW), 94 gms.