Page 42 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 42

2146      A large framed Print depicting greyhounds,   2165      Three framed prints including 'The Gleaners''
                     signed lower right Elaine Vollherbst, 33 3/4'' x      'The Angelus' by Millet and a rural landscape
                     26 1/2''.                                             with haystacks by George Oyston
           2147      A single frame containing two black and white   2166      A heavy framed over painted print of a young
                     Prints of The Old House, Hereford and                 lady by the side of an infants crib.
                     Hereford Cathedral.                         2167      A large framed and mounted study in Oil on
           2148      An unframed Oil on board of a Mediterranean           gessoed paper titled ''Midnight Tango'' (oil
                     beach with small boats, initialed lower left          study 5), signed lower right Charles Willmott,
                     I.E.R.  20'' x 16''.                                  (together with Medici Gallery exhibition
           2149      A large wooden framed Print depicting a floral        Catalogue), 30 1/4'' x 35''.
                     archway leading out towards a coastline,    2168      A large framed and mounted study in graphite
                     signed lower left Bordignon, 36 1/4'' x 28 1/4''.     and oil on vellum paper titled ''Midnight Tango
           2150      A large framed and mounted print of a country         1''  signed lower right Charles Willmott,  28
                     landscape with white park cattle and deer             1/4'' x 34 1/4''.
                     grazing by a pond and a castle on the distant   2169      A framed oil on board 'Winter Evening' by I.E
                     hill.                                                 Robinson, initialled I.E.R lower right.
           2151      A framed Oil on board depicting The Empress   2170      A framed and mounted limited edition Print
                     of England leaving Liverpool Docks, signed            no. 44/500 entitled 'Ox eye Daisies' by Anne
                     lower left E Teare,  26 3/4'' x 17 1/2''.             Cotterill together with another limited edition
           2152      A proof engraved Portrait in rosewood frame of        Print no. 25/100 of 'Sweet Peas' by the same
                     Reverend William Cleaver of Dulgany, Ireland.         artist.
           2153      A large framed Print entitled ''Scotch Mothers''   2171      A group of old male physique artist's pencil
                     by William Perring Hollyer.                           studies (one inscribed), 23'' x 15''.
           2154      A pair of rosewood framed Prints of paintings   2172      A lithograph of a couple on the beach signed in
                     by Ernest Walbourn (1872-1927) depicting              pencil, 75/400, 26 1/2'' x 23''.
                     children picking daffodils and blue bells, each   2173      A pair of oak framed Coaching prints, one for
                     24'' x 18''.                                          the Saracen's Head Liverpool, 30 3/4'' x 13
           2155      A framed Print, still life of flowers.                3/4''.
           2156      A framed and mounted Watercolour depicting   2174      A decorative well framed botanical print in the
                     a country landscape; signed lower right 'Tizzy',      17th century taste, 18 1/2'' x 15 1/2'' and a
                     dated 2000.                                           drawing of Amaryllis, 13 1/2'' x 16'', signed
           2157      An Annie Williams Print of a kitchen interior         verso Ellen Landale.

                     scene, entitled 'Orange and Lemons'.
           2158      An unframed oil on board of a garden scene,              BRASS, COPPER & PEWTER
                     signed lower left Don Roberts.              2181      A pair of solid brass door plates with the name
           2159      An unframed oil on board of a bedroom interior        ''Yates''  18'' long x 3''.
                     scene along with a print of 'The Fight' by John   2182      A quantity of brass to include: a trivet,
                     Morgan                                                candlesticks, a poker, etc.
           2160      A framed and mounted charcoal/watercolour   2183      A large Copper Kettle with brass trim, 12'' high
                     of a river landscape, signed lower left M.            and a Copper ale Jug, 10'' high.
                     Stoodley '99 together with a framed print   2184      A Copper coal Scuttle with metal liner.
                     'Kilmory' by Susan A. Berry.                2185      A set of Brass fire irons with fire dogs.
           2161      A pair of framed and mounted prints 'The Duke   2186      A large Copper urn/jug.
                     of Donkeyton Calls on Mr Jorrocks' and 'Light   2187      A pewter Art Nouveau match holder with ash
                     Come, Light Go'.                                      tray base, an Oriental style bird ornament. a
           2162      Three unframed prints including an Artist Proof       fondue pot with bird finial and a modern vase.
                     Brian Entwhistle 'Tug Boat Towing Ship out to   2188      A small box of brass items to include: goblets
                     Sea' 'The Launch, Coming Home' etc by J.              and jugs.
                     Freeman.                                    2189      A copper plaque of a horse head, 13''
           2163      A quantity of prints including 'Sunday Tea            diameter.
                     Time' by Stephen Darbishire,'Flower Market' by   2190      A small quantity of brass to include a lizard,
                     Alfred A. Glendening, a print of a young girl,        Art Nouveau letter rack, steam engine rally
                     religious print etc.                                  plaques, etc.
           2164      A floral Print.

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