Page 37 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 37

1741      A Queen Anne style Mahogany framed side     1752      A Universal Furniture high gloss finish mixed
                     Chair with cabriole front legs on pad feet,           woods sideboard with herringbone cross-
                     united by a turned detail 'H' stretcher being of      banding and burrwood inlays and having a
                     urn form and having a drop-in cream and blue          central frieze drawer with cupboards to either
                     striped cushion.                                      side and below. The top with a brass back rail,
           1742      A Regency design Mahogany double pedestal             the base with turned legs terminating in swept
                     Dining Table with a snap-top action, having           feet united by a lower shelf, 60'' wide x 19 1/8''
                     cross-banding and ebony stringing to the top          deep x 41 1/2'' high.
                     and standing on two turned pillars each with   1753      A contemporary breakfront Mahogany
                     three swept legs terminating in paw capped            sideboard with a central flight of four long
                     casters, 38 1/4'' x 64 1/2'' long extending  with     drawers flanked to either side by an upper
                     leaf to 83 1/2'' approximately x 29 1/8'' high.       drawer and a cupboard below featuring reeded

           1743      A circa 1900 Oak full height Corner Cabinet on        quarter pillars, 63 3/4'' wide x 18 1/4'' deep x
                     Cupboard having pairs of opposing doors and           32'' high.
                     standing on turned feet, 42'' wide x 81'' high.   1754      A Priory Oak style Cabinet/Chest having a
           1744      A Georgian Oak wall hanging Corner Cupboard           flight of three short drawers with to the left
                     having a raised and fielded panelled door with        hand side, a single doored cupboard with a
                     ''H'' hinges, 31 1/2'' wide x 37 3/4'' high.          Gothic church window style recessed panel
           1745      An unusually compact early 19th century Oak           and raised on turned legs united by perimeter
                     snap top Table standing on a turned pillar and        stretchers, 24'' wide x 13'' deep x 26 1/2'' high.
                     three splay feet (one a/f), 18 3/4'' diameter x   1755      A six plank Oak Priory style Chest of small
                     23 1/2'' high.                                        proportions, the front with carved fluting, 31

           1746      A nicely inlaid Mahogany Arts & Crafts piano          3/4'' long x 14'' deep and 16 5/8'' high.
                     Stool, the upholstered lift-up seat revealing a   1756      A set of three broad seated Mahogany show
                     music compartment, 24 1/2'' high x 14 1/4''           framed Boudoir/Drawing room Chairs having
                     deep and 30 3/8'' high.                               elegant scroll front legs and upholstered in
           1747      A Walnut finished double doored wardrobe              green and cream striped fabric.
                     having a pair of lower drawers, 36'' wide x 18''   1757      A Mahogany octagonal occasional table
                     deep x 74'' high.                                     standing on cabriole legs united by a lower
           1748      An old peg-joyned Oak Mule/blanket chest              shelf, 29 3/4'' diameter x 28 3/4'' high.
                     having five raised and fielded panels to the   1758      A pre-1950 beige floral upholstered Armchair
                     front and three frieze drawers below, 53'' wide       of angular shape, standing on brief front legs
                     x 23 1/4'' deep x 44 1/4'' high.                      with ball and claw feet.
           1749      A pair of 19th century Mahogany framed Side   1759      Three Mahogany framed Dining Chairs having
                     Chairs standing on turned and swept front legs        fretworked centre splats, standing on cabriole
                     united by turned stretchers, the seats                front legs and having red fabric upholstered
                     buttoned upholstered in gold Dralon type              drop-in seats.
                     fabric.                                     1760      An early 1900's Mahogany breakfront
           1750      An Oak Wainscot type, open armed Armchair             Wardrobe, the central mirrored door opening
                     having a solid seat and standing on turned            to reveal an interior with a chest of three long
                     front legs, the backrest profusely carved with        drawers with linen press slides over and
                     an urn containing a plant and with scrolling          flanked on either side by solid doored hanging
                     foliage decoration above, 27 1/2'' wide x 21''        cupboards with storage space below, 88 1/2''
                     deep x 46'' high.                                     wide x 32'' deep x 84'' high, some mouldings
           1751      An Oak & Mahogany cased Longcase Clock                a/f, (doors removed for ease of transport).
                     having an arched enamelled face with a      1762      A Satinwood floor standing Bookshelves with
                     shooting scene with dogs, having Roman                two tier of book troughs, 22 1/2'' wide x 9 5/8''
                     numerals, the eight day movement striking the         deep and 36 1/2'' high.
                     hours on a bell, makers name indistinct (T.W.
                     Field??), the hood having a mirrored scroll   1763      A rustic Pine dresser base having a pair of
                     pediment (glass cracked) (second hand                 frieze drawers and a pair of opposing doored
                     missing), 21 1/2'' wide x 10'' deep x 84 1/2''        cupboards below, 59 1/2'' wide x 17 1/2'' deep
                     high approx.                                          x 36'' high.

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