Page 34 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 34
1636 A quantity of cut glass to include: a set of five 1648 A thick heavy Liskeard glass knobbly vase in a
whiskey tumblers with four matching port amethyst with thick clear casing and having
glasses, a set of five wine glasses, etc. attached label plus the LG impressed base
1637 A set of six cut glass red wine glasses and a mark, 5 1/4'' tall x 4 1/4'' wide.
matching set of six white wine glasses. 1649 A Murano heavy glass sculpture in pink tones
1638 A set of nine cut glass wine glasses, two Royal with thick smooth indented body which
Doulton whiskey tumblers, etc. stretches up to thick side arms joining
1639 A quantity of glass to include: a set of six wine together, 8'' tall x 6'' wide.
glasses, a set of matching champagne flutes, 1650 A heavy Czechoslovakian knobbly glass deep
sherry glasses, bowls, etc. bowl in green with thick clear casing, 3'' tall x
1640 Two 1960's orange and clear glass items being 4 3/4'' diameter.
a lidded sweet jar 13'' and vase, 12'' tall. 1651 A thick heavy glass vase of slightly ovoid form,
1641 A pair of Bohemian cut glass goblets, in green having smooth rounded rim, round polished
out to clear, the other in blue cut to clear, both pontil, in amber with brown and white
have identical elaborate cut designs and elongated swirl pattern, 11 1/2'' tall x 9'' wide.
faceted stems with fine cuts around the 1652 A small quantity of glass to include: Marquis of
knops, 8 1/2'' tall. Waterford ''Arabesque'' clock, a small
1642 A vintage Fenton USA style glass basket with cranberry jug and a two handles vase, green
clear spiky handle and having a crimped and swirl vase, etc.
ruffled body with concave base giving inner 1653 A quantity of Chance glass in ''Calypso''
dome effect, in merging colours of brown, pattern to include: sandwich set, fruit dishes,
maroon, beige and amber, There is a short frilled plate, oval plate, etc. plus a sandwich
crack near on handle which is hard to notice, plate with pansy design.
7'' tall x 6 1/2'' wide, together with a vintage 1654 A cranberry glass jar with a silver top, London,
Fenton USA style glass bowl with an 1919, a cranberry glass bowl, an E.P.N.S.
undulating ruffles rim and having a bright pink pickle fork and a cut glass vase, etc.,
body partially covered with white raised
patches and standing on three curved clear 1655 A quantity of glass including tea for one pot,
feet, 5'' tall x 7'' wide. cup and saucer etc.
1643 A Murano glass cockerel in white with 1656 A Dartington glass dish with multi coloured
burgundy swirled pattern and cased in thick lozenge decoration and a green glass long
clear crystal, 9 1/2'' tall x 7 3/4'' long. neck abstract opaque vase, 8'' tall
1644 A Scandinavian white hooped glass stem vase,
cased in clear crystal, 5'' tall x 2 3/4'' wide, FURNITURE
along with an unusual heavy cone shaped 1701 A set of four Edwardian design Mahogany
frosted glass vase with thick black hoops framed dining Chairs having turned front legs,
which give a stepped effect, 9 1/4'' tall x 4'' fretworked and carved splats and carved top
wide. rails, the seats are overstuffed upholstered in
1645 A vintage cranberry glass bowl with wavy rim maroon velvet type fabric.
and indented inner segments, standing on a
deep thick base, 3 1/2'' tall x 5'' wide, together 1702 A c. 1900 mahogany pull out extending dining
with a pink and red glass bell having incised table standing on turned legs, 47 3/4'' x 50''
intricate gilded pattern and bands, with clear extending with the leaf to 71 1/4'' and 27 5/8''
handle, plus a smaller pink and red glass bell high.
having frosted and clear cut fruit and leaf
pattern with clear handle, 6 1/2'' and 5 1/2''
1646 A marbled shouldered glass vase in the
manner of Krosno, Poland, and having beige,
brown and cream tones with a thick clear
footed base, 11 3/4'' tall c 5 1/2'' wide.
1647 A heavy ruffled handkerchief style glass vase
in purple with smooth rounded rim and having
and having polished concave base giving an
internal dome effect above the thick clear
bottom, 11 1/4\'' tall x 10'' wide.