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2042      Four books by C.F. Tunnicliffe to include:   2060      A box of books to include: The Matters of
                     Sketches of Bird Life, Prints: a Catalogue            Wales by John Morris, The Civilization of
                     Raisonne, etc.                                        Greece, etc.
           2043      A large quantity of Model Railway           2061      A crate of books to include: Rubens,
                     Constructor magazine, along with a box of             Charles I, The Victorians, etc.
                     books on Railways including Vintage         2062      Art related books to include: Roger Cecil A
                     engines, etc.                                         Secret Artist, Drawings from New York
           2044      Three tubs of Railway books to include: A             Collection, Correggio and His Legacy.
                     History of The LNER, etc. along with a tub of   2063      Ten volumes of The Poetical works of
                     books to include: Toy train Treasury volume           Robert Browning, four volumes of
                     1 & 2, etc.                                           Curiosities of Literature by Isaac Disraeli,

           2045      A box of books on Art Related topics to               etc.
                     include: Michelangelo and His Drawings,     2064      A quantity of Apollo magazines.
                     Chinese Art by Hobson, French Art from The   2065      A quantity of The Burlington magazines.
                     Davies Bequest, etc.                        2066      A quantity of books to include The Ramblers
           2046      A box of Paperbacks to include: Venture to            Year book 1995, The Living Planet by David
                     the Interior by Laurens van der Post, Silas           Attenborough, Purbeck Walks, etc.
                     Marner by George Eliot, etc.                2067      Two boxes of books to include: The
           2047      A box of Medical related books to include:            Common Readers by Virginia Woolf, Critical
                     Insanity, Medicine a History of Healing, etc.         and Historical Essay by Thomas Babington
           2048      Seven volumes by Hermann Hesse and                    Macaulay, Howard's End by E.M. Forster,
                     three Le Guide Dei Musei Italiani.                    Andy McNab, etc.
           2049      A box of books to include: The History of   2068      Eight volumes of The Encyclopedia
                     England by H.W. Dulcken, The Plays of                 Britannica (eleventh Edition).
                     Shakespeare, etc.                           2069      One box of cook books to including: Mrs
           2050      Fourteen volumes of Letter of Horace                  Beeton's family Cookery, The Nordic Cook
                     Walpole by Toynbee (incomplete) along                 Book, I know how to Cook, etc.
                     with five volumes of The Walpole Society    2070      Two boxes of Art related books to include
                     Books.                                                Pisanello, The Drawings of Parmigianino,
           2051      Sixteen volumes of THe Imperial Dictionary            Five centuries of European Drawings, etc.
                     of Universal Biography.                     2071      Two boxes of books to include: The Angling
           2052      Two large boxes of books to include: The              Times Book, Mammals, Charles The 2nd,
                     Decline and fall of The Roman Empire by               etc.
                     P.M. Long, Tennyson and Browning, The       2072      Two boxes of books in French and German,
                     New Peoples Physician, etc.                           to include: Guy de Maupassant Contes, etc.
           2053      A quantity of British Tourist Guide Books,   2073      A box of books to include: National
                     etc.                                                  Geographic, Super Dogs, Bats, etc.
           2054      A quantity of books to include: Batik,      2074      Two boxes of books to include: The Letters
                     Textiles, Celtic Art, Sevres Porcelain, etc.          of Vincent van Gogh, Miracle at Sant'Anna
           2055      A quantity of books to include: Life After            by James McBride, etc.
                     Life, A Recipe for Bee's, The Autobiography   2075      A box of Hardback books to include:
                     of Benjamin Franklin, etc.                            Wordsworth A Life, Peter Arno's Hell of a
           2056      A box of books to include: England Under              Way to Run a Railroad, etc.
                     Queen Anne, Do What You Will by Aldous      2076      Fifty Masterpieces of Anthony Van Dyke by
                     Huxley, Tennyson, Popski's Private Army by            Max Rooses printed by Sampson Low,
                     Vladimir Peniakoff, etc.                              Marston and Company 1900, along with The
           2057      A box of books to include: Correggio Gothic           New Yorker 25th Anniversary Album.
                     England, Italian Drawings, Architecture of   2077      World Furniture by Helena Hayward
                     the 19th century, etc.                                published by Paul Hamlyn 1965, along with
           2058      Two boxes of Master Drawings periodicals.             The Victoria and Albert English Furniture
           2059      Two boxes of books to include: Man is an              Designs of the 18th century.
                     Artist by John Bradford, Degas, A Little
                     History of Economics, Sotheby's Maestro,

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