Page 35 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 35
1704 A carved Oak blanket Chest having a nicely 1712 An early 19th c. Oak wall hanging Corner
carved front panel with trailing foliage and the Cupboard having contrasting cross banding to
entwined initials M.L.V., the corners very the door panel centred by an inlaid shaded
neatly dovetailed joined and standing on oval, the door suspended on brass 'H' hinges
bracket feet, made by Sidney Stockbridge, the and having three small drawers to the lower
woodwork master at Colfe's Grammar School frieze, 31 1/2'' wide x 43 3/8'' high
in the 1930's (an old sepia photograph is 1713 A rustic Oak Wainscot type Chair standing on
annotated verso @Mr S.A Stockbridge, bobbin turned front legs and having carved
Woodwork Master, Colfe's Grammar School, details to the arms, to the front rail and to the
1932, Horn Park Lane, London, SE12 8AW). panel at the backrest. The solid oak seat
The front and side panels are beautifully having a maroon velvet covered pad cushion,
carved in the arts and crafts style, with a brass 28 5/8'' wide x 27'' deep x 49 1/4'' high, the
loop carrying handle to either end, 38 1/2'' seat 18 1/4'' high.
long x 19 1/4'' deep x 23 1/8'' tall.
1705 A flap over topped contemporary burrwood 1714 A set of six Oak framed possibly Edwardian
finished chest of four long drawers, made by S. dining Chairs, having turned front legs, the
Stockbridge, 24 3/4'' wide x 13'' deep seats and back rests upholstered in pale green
extending to 26'' x 30'' high. Dralon/velvet type fabric.
1706 A delicate Mahogany framed side chair having 1715 A compact Bachelor's Chest of four long
a fretworked splat with stylised foliage inlay, Drawers having shaped backplate brass drop
standing on tapering square front legs handles and standing on bracket feet, 24 5/8''
terminating in spade feet. The seat nicely wide x 17'' deep x 30'' high.
upholstered in beige and pale gold striped 1716 An Oak Arts and Crafts square occasional
fabric, 16 1/2'' wide x 18 1/2'' deep x 30 5/8'' table standing on canted tapering square legs
high. and having finely depicted fretwork to each of
1707 An elegant Edwardian Mahogany open armed the side rails, 14'' square x 26'' high.
side/elbow chair having tapering back splat 1717 A good early 19th c. demi-lune flap-over card
with inlaid boxwood in the form of stylised table having boxwood stringing and cross-
foliage and standing on tapering square legs banding, raised on boxwood beaded tapering
terminating in spade feet. The seat being square legs and having a green baize top, 36'' x
upholstered in beige and pale gold striped 17 3/4'' extending to 36'' x 29'' high.
fabric, 18'' wide x 19 1/2'' deep x 33 1/4'' high 1718 A rosewood and other woods Edwardian
approximately. circular occasional Table, the cross-banded
1708 A likely early 18th c. Oak gateleg drop leaf top with light and darkwood stringing having a
dining table, 45 1/2'' x 19 1/2'' extending to an central depiction with a goblet and a lidded
oval 59'' approximately and having a 17 5/8'' ewer, raised on curved supports in turn with
wide drawer to one end. the legs united by a lower shelf with a shaded
1709 A Mahogany framed corner elbow chair inlaid centre and small turned details to the
edges, 30'' diameter x 27 1/4'' high.
standing on turned legs and stretchers, with
eight shaped square stick splats, the seat 1719 A circa 1900 dark Mahogany Chiffonier having
upholstered in dusky pink patterned fabric, 24 fretworked and canted detail, the back having
5/8'' wide x 22 1/4'' deep x 27 1/2'' high. four shaped and bevelled mirrors. The cabriole
front legs united by a pot board/shelf, 54'' wide
1710 An appealing Edwardian double seat having
fretworked splats, the top rail with an inlaid x 18 1/2'' deep x 79'' high approximately.
sun surrounded by rays and flanked by stylised 1720 A circa 1900 Mahogany bookcase on cupboard
foliage. The seat being upholstered in pale having two pairs of opposing doors and a frieze
beige ground stylised floral decorated fabric in drawer, 41 3/8'' wide x 15 5/8'' deep x 79 3/4''
polychrome colours, the whole standing on high.
tapering square front legs terminating in spade 1721 A medium Oak finished gateleg drop leaf table,
feet, 42'' wide x 24'' deep x 35'' high 45'' x 10 5/8'' extending to 45'' x 28 5/8'' high.
approximately. 1722 A pair of Oak framed pierced detail ladder
1711 A set of four Victorian balloon back Dining back side Chairs with brown upholstered drop-
Chairs standing on turned front legs, the seats in seats.
over-stuffed upholstered with shadow pattern
maroon stylised foliage decorated fabric.