Page 38 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 38
1764 A contemporary darkwood framed 2013 A box of books to include: Heroes of World
Dressing/Piano Stool having carved detail War II, Derek Tangue, Damien Lewis, P.D.
cabriole legs, the seat with turned side rails James, etc.
and upholstered in cream ground gold 2014 A box of books to include: Dew's Chronicle
coloured stylised floral pattern fabric, 25 3/4'' Everything With It, Mr Middleton's Garden
wide x 15'' deep x 23 1/8'' high. Book, Herbs, etc.
1765 A peg joyned Oak Corner Cabinet on Cupboard 2015 A quantity of Girls Crystal Annuals 1951
having a pair of opposing eight pane glazed onwards.
doors to the upper portion and a pair of 2016 A small quantity of Military reference books
opposing doors to the base, 34'' wide x 80'' including Target Germany Bomber Command,
high. War Office books Ceremonial, Drills (All
1766 An Oak double pedestal Kneehole Desk with Arms), etc.
three frieze drawers and three drawers to each 2017 A box of car and motorcycle instruction
pedestal, with brass drop handles having art manuals to include: BMW R Series, MGB
nouveau shaped back plates, 49 1/2'' wide x Tourer and GT Drivers Handbook, etc.
22'' deep x 31'' high. 2018 Two boxes of books to include: Jeremy
Clarkson, Phillipa Gregory, Bill Bryson, etc.
Saturday 22nd February 9:30am - 2019 Two boxes containing: Merits Students
BOOKS, RECORDS ETC Encyclopedia published by The Macmillan
Educational Corporation along with The
2001 A small quantity of books to include: Compact Edition of The Oxford English
Constitutional History of England, A First Year Dictionary.
Engineering Drawing, The Works of Tennyson, 2020 A quantity of Magazines to include: The Radio
etc. Times Observer, etc.
2002 A quantity of magazines to include: Bizarre, 2021 A box of books to include: The Flag is Flying,
Soldier of Fortune, Wild, etc. Over The Lowlands by Michael Brander, Chats
2003 A quantity of cookery books to include: on Old Furniture by Arthur Hayden, etc.
Seafood, The Soup Bible, The Poachers Cook 2022 Four books to include: An Irish History of
Book, etc. Civilization Vol 12, Irish Freedom, The Oxford
2004 A small quantity of books to include: Collins Book of Ireland, Irish Battles by G.A.Hayes-
Gem on Stars, Wine, Butterflies, The Wit and McCay.
Wisdom of Winston Churchill, Owls, etc. 2023 Seven books by Winston Churchill to include:
2005 A box of books to include: The Marconi A History of English Speaking People, The End
Scandal, Hitler's Mein Kampf, Two Lives by of The Beginning, Into Battle, etc.
Blanchard Jerrold, etc. 2024 A large quantity of Penguin books to include:
2006 A quantity of hardback books to include: The Plumes Serpent, Clochemerle, The
Wilbur Smith, J.H. Barrie, Washington Irving, Trespasser, etc.
etc. 2025 A box of books to include: Observer books,
2007 A box of hardback books to include: General Ladybird books, Guinness Book of Records,
Gordon, The Dayuma story, Charlie Chan etc.
Carries on, etc. 2026 A small box of books to include: The Second
2008 A box of books to include: Wilbur Smith, Lady World War by Winston Churchill, Mount
Killer by Anthony Gilbert, Death Calls on the Batten, Kate Adie Corsets to Camouflage, etc.
Witches, etc. 2027 A box of Royal Ephemera to include: Radio
2009 A quantity of books to include: Scottish Times and The London Illustrated New
Ancestry and Scottish family History, etc. Wedding Special, etc.
2010 A small quantity of books to include: The Age 2028 A box of Aviation Ephemera.
of Reason, The Psychology and Teaching of 2029 A quantity of books to include: Jane Austen,
Reading, etc. C.S. Lewis, E.M Forester. etc.
2011 A small box of books to include: The 2030 A box of books on gardening, Guinness Book of
Adventures of Huckleberry Fin, The Conan Records, etc.
Doyle Historical Romances, For The Honour of 2031 A box of Art Exhibition Catalogues, etc.
The House, etc. 2032 A box of Vintage Motoring ephemera to
2012 A quantity of National Geographic Magazines.
include: The Art of Driving, Formula 2, The All
Year Round Motorists Handbook, etc.