Page 41 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 41
2112 A large framed Print depicting a river 2128 A framed and mounted Watercolour (Scottish
landscape with ducks taking flight, signed N. School) ''Riding at Dawn'' believed to be
Gero, 35 1/2'' x 25 1/2''. Belvoir Hunt by Ned Grant.
2113 A gilt framed Oil on canvas depicting a river 2129 Four framed prints to include: Ballet dancers,
landscape with snow capped rocky mountains The Adoration of Magi, Botticelli Venus and
in the distance, signed lower left Antonio, 41 The Graces, etc.
3/4'' x 30''. 2130 Three framed prints of various portraits to
2114 A set of eight numbered and framed plates include: Paul Adolphe Rajon, a self portrait by
titled ''The Drunkards Children'' 1848, after Gerrit Dou, etc. along with an oil on canvas
George Cruikshank portrait of a young man, signed N.S. John
2115 A set of eight numbered and framed Plates Rees?.
titled ''The Bottle'' 1847. 2131 A framed and mounted print by William
2116 Two framed and mounted coloured charcoal McTaggart titled ''Summer Breezes'', along
drawings depicting country landscapes, sheep with a print on board by Rudolf Fuchs.
grazing in the fields with rolling hills in the 2132 A print of a 1732 engraving of Chepstow
distance, and a river landscape with a stone Castle, 17 1/2'' x 10 1/2''.
bridge,both signed lower left R.N. Edmundson. 2133 A quantity of mounted prints to include: a
2117 A framed and mounted ink wash landscape Vanity Fair print ''The Winning Post'', Four
painting of a stream running through woods Sporting Life cartoons of Jockeys including Pat
banked with bluebells, signed Margaret Eddery, John Francome and Michael Stoute
McLaughlin, along with a framed and mounted (cricketer), and a quantity of prints of race
watercolour depicting a misty lake scene, horses.
signed A Konieczny lower right. 2134 A quantity of dog prints to include: Maltese
2118 Two framed and mounted pencil drawings dog by J. Fawdry, Yorkshire terrier and a black
depicting churches, no visible signature. pug, etc.
2119 A large gilt framed oil on canvas depicting a 2135 Five vintage Maud Earl dog prints of spaniels.
Clipper ship indistinctly signed lower left, 47 2136 Three framed Cecil Aldin prints, two of dogs
1/2'' x 28''. and one hunting print.
2120 Three unframed modern Prints on canvas 2137 A pair of framed oil on canvas painting
depicting ''Hares'', ''Highland Longhorn'' and depicting a young boy fishing, signed C
''Another bad hair day'' by Hilary Barker. Manuel.
2121 Four framed and mounted hunting Prints by 2138 Three framed prints to include ''Hot Pursuit'' by
Alken to include: ''Breaking Cover'', ''Full Cry'', William Trood, ''Babies Birthday'' by Arthur J
''Unkenneling'' and ''The Death''. Elsley, A Pears Print ''Over The Garden Wall''
2122 A large framed Engraving of ''Crumlin Viaduct and a framed watercolour of a woodland
on the Taff Vale Extension of the West Midland scene.
Railway, designed and erected by T.W. 2139 A framed oil on board depicting a Yorkshire
Kennah'', sketched by H.J. Cooke, 12'' x 22 terrier, signed lower left Joy Lacey 1966.
3/4'' approx. 2140 A quantity of prints to include ''After The Rat''
2123 A Watercolour in the manner of George Yorkshire terriers, two Silhouette prints by
Arthur Rackham, ''Funny Face'' by Cecil Aldin,
Morland titled ''A well earned drink'' in an oak ''Greeting Card'' and an oil on board of a sailing
frame and glazed, 44cm x 59cm. boat (as found).
2124 A framed and mounted Watercolour depicting
a river landscape with a town and castle 2141 Two still life paintings by Margaret Simpson.
(possibly Richmond, Yorkshire). one of Anemones and one of polyanthus.
2125 A framed and mounted Watercolour of 2142 A framed painting of a Captain, signed lower
Arinagour Harbour, Isle of Coll Argyle 1990, right L. Dumas, 15'' x 18 3/4''.
signed Kip Poulson. 2143 Three fishing Prints depicting fishermen in a
2126 An Oil on canvas of cottage beside a lake with single frame, signed in pencil by the artist
Douglas Adams, 42 1/2'' x 19'', frames a/f.
mountains in the background, gilt framed by
Enderby, 60cm x 49cm. 2144 A framed Oil on board depicting a 'Pheasant
2127 A sepia Watercolour titled ''Autumn'' of a shoot', no visible signature, 14 1/4'' x 12 1/2''.
Harvest scene of loading wagon with stooks of 2145 A large framed Print of a beach scene, no
corn, by Crayne. visible signature, 37 1/4'' x 35 1/4''.