Page 26 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 26

1363      A quantity of Commemorative Crowns/coins    1375      An empty ProMax single scoped rifle case,
                     to include two Prince of Wales gilded crowns,         along with a bow and arrows. ****ALL
                     Queen Elizabeth II Windsor coat of arms, 70th         WEAPONS MUST BE COLLECTED IN PERSON -
                     Prince of Wales £5 2018, Queen's Coronation           NO POSTAGE. Proof of age will be required on
                     Jubilee silver Proof, 100th Anniversary of            collection which should be by prior
                     House of Windsor £1 2017, 2013 silver                 arrangement.
                     Britannia one ounce plus certificate, Solar   1376      A riding crop with horn handle and silver
                     Eclipse 1999 £5,. Solar Eclipse 1999 £2 and           collar.
                     1977 25yrs on throne, (several with         1377      A ''Miguel Larranaga-Placencia, (Espana)'' 12
                     certificates).                                        gauge, side by side, double barrelled, double
           1364      A quantity of miscellaneous coins mainly              trigger, box-lock, non-ejector shotgun serial
                     Italian including Vittorio Emanuele II 1864, 5        No. 36515 having a checquered stock and
                     centesimi, 1862 10 centesimi, etc.                    fore-end. 27 1/2'' long barrels and 45'' long
           1365      A quantity of Italian Coins including two             overall. Cocked and fired normally during
                     Umberto D'Italia 1891, Victor Emmanuel II             lotting. ****ALL WEAPONS AND/OR
                     1873, 1874, 1875, 1811, Napoleon 5 lire plus          AMMUNITION MUST BE COLLECTED IN
                     eight 500 lire and others.                            PERSON - NO POSTAGE. PLEASE NOTE THAT A
           1366      A quantity of threepenny bits, circa 1953 -           CURRENT APPROPRIATE GUN LICENCE WILL
                     1967.                                                 BE REQUIRED AND IS TO BE PRODUCED TO
           1367      A green file of miscellaneous mixed old               THE AUCTIONEERS AT THE TIME OF
                     Coinage to include: Foreign and English, pre-         COLLECTION, WHICH SHOULD BE BY PRIOR
                     decimal and decimal.                                  ARRANGEMENT.
           1368      A Swiss S.I.G Bayonet, 14 1/2'' long overall   1378      A ''Robust, No. 222'' 16 gauge side by side,
                     (blade 9'' long). ****ALL WEAPONS MUST BE             double barrelled, double trigger, box-lock non-
                     COLLECTED IN PERSON - NO POSTAGE. Proof               ejector shotgun serial No. 290891 having a
                     of age will be required on collection which           checquered pistol-grip, stock and fore-end,
                     should be by prior arrangement.                       27 1/2'' long barrels and 44 3/8'' long overall.
                                                                           Cocked and fired normally during lotting. The
           1369      A Lee-Enfield SMLE Bayonet, the blade 6 1/2''         barrels are pitted and rusty to the exterior and
                     long. ****ALL WEAPONS MUST BE                         this gun shall accordingly be sold only to an
                     COLLECTED IN PERSON - NO POSTAGE. Proof               appropriately licenced Firearm Dealer/
                     of age will be required on collection which           Gunsmith. ****ALL WEAPONS AND/OR
                     should be by prior arrangement.                       AMMUNITION MUST BE COLLECTED IN
           1370      A B.S.A. under-lever cocking action .177 / 4.5        PERSON - NO POSTAGE. PLEASE NOTE THAT A
                     mm calibre Air Rifle having a 17'' long barrel        CURRENT APPROPRIATE GUN LICENCE WILL
                     and chequered pistol grip stock. Serial No.           BE REQUIRED AND IS TO BE PRODUCED TO
                     L17944. 39 5/16'' long overall. Cocks and fires       THE AUCTIONEERS AT THE TIME OF
                     normally. Slight blemishes to stock. ****ALL          COLLECTION, WHICH SHOULD BE BY PRIOR
                     WEAPONS AND/OR AMMUNITION MUST BE                     ARRANGEMENT.
                     COLLECTED IN PERSON - NO POSTAGE. It is     1379      A double barrelled, side by side, open hammer
                     an offence for a person under the age of 18 to        12 gauge non-ejector shotgun by H.R.
                     purchase an air weapon or ammunition for an           Richards, Birmingham having 29 7/8'' long
                     air weapon, Proof of age will be required on          Damascus barrels, chequered fore-end and
                     collection which should be by prior                   pistol grip stock. 47'' long overall. No serial
                     arrangement.                                          number is evident or recorded. Cocked and
           1371      Two WWI service medals to DVR  W.J.Morgan             fired normally during lotting. There are small
                     Royal Engineers.                                      dents to the right hand barrel and this gun is to
           1372      A Milwards three piece bamboo rod with                be sold to a suitably licensed gun
                     canvas sleeve and aluminium tube holder and           dealer/firearm dealer only. Sold together with
                     a Grey's ''Northumbrian'' 10' fly rod with            a fleecy lined brown gun-sleeve.
                     canvas sleeve and stillwter tube holder.    1380      A W.W. Greener G.P. 12 gauge Single barrelled
           1373      Three fly fishing rods to include: Daiwa ''Pro-       Martini-action shotgun having a 30'' long barrel
                     Fly'' 10' long and Shakespeare ''GLFY 8056'' 8'       and being 46'' long overall. Serial No. 52927G.
                     long with sleeves.                                    Cocked and fired normally during lotting. Sold
           1374      A Hardy No4 and two other split cane rods.            together with a fleecy lined green gun sleeve.

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