Page 22 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 22
1251 C Seven antique professionally produced Sepia 1251 E A good quantity of black and white and sepia
photograph cards, six of ladies and one of a Photographs of various persons, many in
gent all in early dress, 4 1/8'' x 2 1/2'' approx. Edwardian type dress.
and by various studios including W.S. Davey, 1251 F A quantity of old sepia and black & white
The Northgate Studio, Gloucester; Day & photographs believed of the Abergavenny area
Electric Light Studios - Hellis & Sons, 160, including a horse drawn charabanc, a group of
High Street, Camden Town, NW, 30 Clapham young nurses in a charanbanc, a large group of
Road SW, 49 Deptford Bridge, Greenwich, SE, nurses dated September 15th 1945, various
68 Fulham Road, SW and elsewhere. London; portrait photographs, etc., also including a
Williams & Williams, 56 Eign Street, Hereford, Christmas 1953 card from Jack Norton
Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Newport, Shrewsbury, General Secretary of F.A.U. Shaw Hill,
Swansea and Pontypridd; Greetham, Melksham, Wiltshire to Matron Miss E. Tranter,
Commercial Road, Hereford; R.J. Houlson, and a Royal Gwent hospital Visitor Card dated
Brecon Road, Abergavenny, Stephen Timothy, 15/02/18.
155, Ystrad Road, Pentre; and Atkins & 1251 G Five early 1950's Ration books, a National
Lockyears, Newport, and two Postcard size Insurance Scheme Booklet (5 July 1948) and
Photographs, one of a young gentleman P.C. an N.H.S. medical Card - 13 Sep 1948. plus an
by Hemmings, Edgar St, Hereford, posted 8.45 old Briefcase (as found).
pm Oc 15 1912 to Mrs. Jenkins, Aston Cottage, 1251 H Two old H. Shackleton, Abergavenny sepia
Colwall, Nr. Malvern - ''I am on my way to your Photographs, one of a bearded gentleman
place. Hope to reach there tomorrow'', the wearing a cap and with two walking sticks, the
other Shelagh 4 years & 6 months taken down other of a family group and another of a
Abergavenny Market.
gentleman and a young man with a dog
outside a whitewashed cottage.
1251 D An original and possibly unique old black & 1252 A large bordered and patterned, deep pile Rug
white contact print photograph, annotated with beige centre and magenta ground border
verso ''George Lansbury'', 3 1/2'' x 2 1/2'' with oriental cherry blossom, lanterns and
approx. George Lansbury (22/2/1859 - pagoda pattern, 8'4'' x 9'10'' approx.
7/5/1949) was a well-known leader of the
Labour party from 1932-1935. He was briefly a 1253 A large bordered and patterned Wilton Carpet
minister in the Labour government circa 1930 in red, yellow and navy ground, with all over
and was a promoter of disarmament, social floral design, (one cut mark to edge and some
justice and women's rights (he was an marks), 13'5'' x 10'6'' approx.
associate of Emmeline Pankhurst). He was 1254 A glove box (11'' x 5'' x 2 3/4'') containing two
elected to Parliament in 1910 but resigned his collectable globe bridge markers, 2 3/4'' high
position in 1912. He apparently assisted in and various costume jewellery.
establishing the Daily Herald newspaper 1255 A good vintage wooden pestle and mortar.
becoming its editor. He was a colourful 1256 A framed Victorian Valentine's Day card and
character and served time in prison with another embossed card with a Cupid and
numerous fellow councillors for their printed ''Darling Boy''.
involvement in the Poplar Rates Rebellion of 1257 A boxed Corgi Harrier (scale 1:72) and a
1921. In his latter years he travelled in the vintage Mickey Mouse clock, both in original
United States and Europe encouraging peace boxes.
and disarmament. In his early, formative 1258 An early 20th century French Doll, marked
years, the promised better prospects tempted S.F.B.J Paris 226, with original clothes.
him to travel to Australia, en route 1259 A large colourful Soft Toy ''Golly'' and a smaller
experiencing near disaster in an epic storm. one by Wendy Boston
The prospects were unfortunately unfounded
and, in May 1885, he returned to the U.K. the 1260 A ''Palitoy Action man'', a tank, clothing and
fare having been footed by his father-in-law, accessories plus a small tub of plastic
for whom he subsequently worked for a time in soldiers.
his timber business, simultaneously 1261 A Stars Wars model of an AT-AT Walker (mostly
campaigning against the misleading complete) and the Millenium Falcon dated
information promulgated by the the colonial 1979 Kener Production (some parts missing)
emigration agents. The story of Lansbury's life, and a ''Slave I'' ship - 1981 Lucas Film Ltd.
with its dramatic changes of fortune, would Kenner Productions (some parts missing)l
make an excellent subject for a film or indeed
a series.