Page 17 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 17

1088      A late Georgian English violin (with internal   1091  A  A hard bound volume ''Views of Architecture of
                     label to G. Turnball, Newcastle 1824) in need         the Heavens in a series of letters to a Lady'' by
                     of extensive repairs to the belly and general         J.P. Nichol., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of
                     restoration throughout.  However, it is               Practical Astronomy in the University of
                     potentially a good instrument and could be            Glasgow, Third Edition, 1839, incorporating 23
                     rescued profitably.                                   fascinating Plates. Some slight distress, damp
           1089      A heavy leather suitcase probably WWII in             staining and yellowing and a fly-leaf appears to
                     good external repair but needing internal re-         be missing. Some pages remain un-cut.
                     upholstering, together with a highly decorative       Written in ink to the inside of the front cover is:
                     hardwood tray intricately inlaid with profuse         ''Benjamin James His Book April 4 m / 28 d /
                     decoration of scrolls and floral elements,            1888. Sold together with a hard bound,
                     together with a matching smaller tray.                distressed ex-West Monmouth School,
                                                                           Pontypool,  textbook ''Lowson's Textbook of
           1090      An uncommon wooden cased set of 10                    Botany'', revised by Howard and Warne,
                     beautifully engineered Mahogany Lantern               profusely illustrated.
                     Slides, each with a brass, turned wood-
                     handled crank, geared and producing         1092      An ornate metal double Inkwell with glass
                     moving/animated images of various features            inserts.
                     of the Earth and our solar system.  Each slide 3   1093      A quantity of mathematical/scientific
                     7/8'' deep x 6 1/2'' long, being 8 9/16''             instruments to include Goodbrand & Co. yarn
                     including the handle and 9/16'' thick.                balance (a/f.), cased part drawing sets, cased
                     Labelled:- No. 1 ''Proves the Earth's Rotundity,      (part of) string Galvanometer, etc.
                     by a ship sailing around the Globe'';  No. 2
                     ''Illustrates the Annual Motion of the Earth   1094      A brass School bell with turned handle.
                     round the Sun, with the monthly Lunations of   1095      A quantity of miscellanea to include two cased
                     the Moon''; No. 3 ''Shows the Apparent, Direct        Hohner's harmonicas, Paris field binoculars,
                     and Retrograde Motion of Venus or Mercury,            cash tin, etc.
                     and also its Stationary Appearance'';  No. 4   1096      A quantity of early 20th century ephemera,
                     ''The Diurnal Motion of the Earth'' showing the       postcards, etc., to include two 'Bacon's War
                     rising and setting of the Sun, illustrating the       Maps', two Valentines cards, diaries, etc.
                     cause of Day and Night by the Earth's Rotation   1097      Three Stamp albums to include a Strand
                     upon its Axis'';  No. 5 ''Illustrates the Eccentric   Album containing penny reds, loose stamps,
                     Revolution of a Comet round the Sun, and              stamp holders, etc.
                     shows the appearance of its Tail at different   1098      A small quantity of miscellanea to include
                     parts of its orbit'' (This particular slide is        marble lidded pot, agate slices, onyx tortoise,
                     damaged, the circular glass is broken, but            graduated set of three metal Swallow wall
                     could probably be carefully repaired);  No. 6         plaques, etc.
                     ''The Solar System, showing the Revolution of   1099      A small quantity of miscellanea to include an
                     all the Planets and their Satellites round the        Art Deco Stratnoid compact, boxed Pygmalion
                     Sun''; (This slide has very complex gearing with      atomiser in the form of a lighter, Victorian
                     eight separate rotating concentric sections);         enamelled patch box (a/f), etc.
                     No. 7 ''Shows the various Eclipses of the Sun
                     and Transit of Venus'';  No. 8 ''Shows various   1100      A small quantity of smoking ephemera to
                     Eclipses of the Moon'';  No. 9 ''The Earth's          include two marquetry cigarette dispensers
                     Annual Motion round the Sun showing the               (a/f), tambour matchbox, matchbox in the
                     Parallelism of its Axis, thus producing the           form of a book, cigarette cards, etc.
                     seasons'' and No. 10 ''Illustrates the cause of   1101      A small quantity of Sewing items to include
                     Spring and Neap Tides, and shows the Moon's           buckles, Mother of pearl buttons, needle
                     Phases''.                                             dispenser in the form of an acorn, carved
           1091      A box containing Newton & Co., 19th century,          Mother of pearl dog's head, Mauchline ware
                     Twenty-nine Astronomical black and white              egg shape thimble box, silver thimble, etc.
                     magic lantern slides.                       1102      A small quantity of pencils and pens to include
                                                                           hallmarked silver pen, Parker fountain pen,
                                                                           propelling pencil in the form of an umbrella
                                                                           handle, plus a small perpetual calendar.

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