Page 13 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 15th and 16th November 2024
P. 13
642 A box of hot water bottles, men's slippers, 676 A dark Oak art nouveau Bureau/bookcase,
batteries, carpet offcut, etc. the fall front opening to reveal various
643 A ''Stoplok'' steering lock with key attached, pigeon holes, the top with lead glazed
camping stool etc. cabinet flanked by shelve, the lower portion
644 A box of candles, books, ornaments, pewter with drawers, 30 1/2'' x 14'' x 70'' high.
pieces etc. 677 A dark Oak art nouveau bureau/bookcase,
645 Three children's rocking horses. the fall front opening to reveal pigeon holes,
646 A quantity of Christmas stars and a quantity with desk unit, 30'' x 14'' x 70'' high.
of plastic serving platters (65 - ideal for 678 Two ladies coats, Next - size 14, Centigrade
party). - XL.
647 Two paper towel dispensers, fish kettle, 679 A quantity of ladies Evening wear including
etc. Monsoon, etc., size 14-18.
648 A quantity of picture frames, china, bowls, 680 A ladies faux fur coat, size 16.
dehumidifiers, etc. 681 A woman's navy coat size 16.
649 A cordless Screwdriver and charger, new 682 A pine framed mirror 40'' wide x 30'' high.
semi-automatic driver, etc. 683 Two bathroom mirrors.
650 A bag of DVDs. 684 Four mirrors including gilt framed.
651 Four boxes of tools, crafting items, tapes, 685 A small oak table/stool, 23'' wide x 30 1/2''
voltage meter, Unibond, etc. depth x 18'' high.
652 Two bags of linen, towels, etc. 686 Two mirrors, gilt framed.
653 Two boxes of bedding and towels. 687 A modern Rug with diamond shaped
654 A snowy tree arch, 8' tall - 2.5m pattern, 200 cm x 290 cm.
655 A singing machine, 'Jasper Conran' wine 688 A ''Kirman'' rug (in good condition but some
glasses and Christmas tree base holder. stains) 117'' x 75''.
656 Fuse blocks, 410 volt plus sockets etc. 689 A circular rug (in need of cleaning) 5' 10''
657 A box of games including Twister, Scrabble, diameter.
Monopoly, etc. 690 A bronze bordered carpet (some damage to
658 Four outdoor lanterns and an lion fringing), 102'' x 67''.
ornament. 691 A red ground carpet, 6' 7'' x 117''
659 A small folding teak table and chair. 692 A being rug - some marks to the centre, 96''
660 A three tier vegetable rack. x 73''.
661 A Stowford Press parasol. 693 A large carpet in good condition, but would
662 A drain cleaner, stationery, kitchen cup benefit from clean, 12' x 8' 3''.
measures, etc. 694 A new double mattress.
663 A propelled Mountfield mower with roller, 695 A brass double bedstead with base.
Tiga ST120 overvalve engine, good working 696 A heavy wooden framed mirror, 23 1/2'' x 35
664 A chandelier, trays, picture light etc. 1/2''.
665 A pogo stick - 'Hip Hop'. 697 A large modern gilt composite framed
mirror, 31'' x 66 1/2''.
666 An Axle stand and tools etc.
667 A brown leather saddle 698 A vintage studio lamp on tripod base.
A quantity of enamel jugs, bakestone,
668 A black leather saddle candlesticks etc.
700 A Grandfather chair.
BRIC-A-BRAC (INSIDE LOTS) 700 A Three stick back kitchen chairs.
671 A Mahogany corner display cabinet, 26'' 701 A pale ground Chinese floral pattern
wide x 71'' high. Carpet, 186 cm x 286 cm.
672 An Oak dresser with two frieze drawers and 702 A large pale green ground Chinese floral
linen fold detail to lower cupboard doors, pattern Carpet, 310 cm x 246 cm.
37 1/2'' x 17 1/2'' x 70'' high. 703 A Dyson upright hoover.
673 An Ice cream maker, Mincer, Videomaster, 704 An Orla Kiely mustard coloured rug, 64''
etc. wide. some damage
674 A modern glass top drinks unit/display 705 **NOT FULLY WORKING** A Miele
cabinet, 5' x 79'' high. industrial rotary iron, heating element
675 A bevel plated mirror, quantity of prints, works, (roller not rotating).
watercolour, etc. 706 A mirror, 28 1/2'' x 41''.