Page 18 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 18
1103 Three antique Snuff boxes: Georgian 1124 An Art Deco pewter framed table top Mirror
lacquered snuff box in the form of a shoe, 19th with Birthday inscription, 14'' high x 11 1/2''
century pressed horn circular snuff box with wide.
Portuguese inscription to lid, plus another. 1125 A tan leather briefcase by Dolphin and a
1104 A wooden Travel Trunk with metal fittings and document wallet.
marked R.F.M to the front, 19'' wide x 13'' 1126 Two treen fruit bowls, polished stone egg on a
depth x 12 1/2'' tall. serpentine (lizard rock) plinth, serpentine
1105 Eighteen Brooke Bond tea card albums (lizard rock) thermometer, painted treen egg,
including History of Aviation, African wildlife, etc.
etc. 1127 A large brass eight branch Electrolier, 36''
1106 A good quantity of larger size cigarette and diameter x 34 1/2'' high overall.
trade cards. 1128 A box of vintage oil lamps to include a pair of
1107 A large quantity of cigarette and trade cards, pale blue wall lamps, turquoise wall lamp,
some in albums. white ceramic wall lamp (all with reflective
1108 A quantity of Geode and other fossils and back plates), large MOD Tilley lamp, 13 1/2''
scallop shells, etc. high and a glass lamp, also including a pair of
1109 A Taxidermy Puffer fish, two carved lizards and brass candlesticks.
a gall, 1129 A black GPO bakelite telephone.
1110 A Kelly's Directory of Monmouthshire and 1130 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: a
South Wales 1926 (cover a/f, a Kelly's cased pair of mother of pearl opera glasses by
Directory of Monmouthshire 1937 and two G.E. Pryor Paris, a model of a canon, three
Kelly's Manufacturers and Merchants chrome plated razor sets, sugar sifter, etc.
directories. 1131 A pair of Victorian Coalbrookdale cast iron
1111 An early Turkish table top Spinning Wheel, 31'' pierced Platters depicting a Greek sea Gods
long x 18 1/2'' high. amongst ornate scrolling foliage, 8'' diameter.
1112 An early Mahogany cheese Coaster, 14 3/4'' 1132 A box of glass Bottles to include: Gilbey gin
wide x 8'' deep. bottle (1880's), a Victorian William Hill
1113 A carved African boat with two fishermen, Glasgow bottle, a Victorian green glass
souvenir piece from Lake Malawi, 15 1/2'' long. medicine bottle, a Tovali Bottle (1960's), etc.
1114 A turned hardwood stick stand, 12'' tall x 8 1133 A Desk Tidy in the form of a set of leather
1/2'' wide (split to base/side) bound books, in the style of Callow of Mount
1115 A brass column Oil Lamp with crimson glass Street, Mayfair, 9 1/2'' wide x 8 1/2'' tall x 6''
oil reservoir, 14'' tall excluding shade. deep.
1116 A Betjaman's Tantalus with three matching cut 1134 A Finnigans Bond Street, London leather Desk
glass decanters, 11 1/2'' wide. Tidy, some wear, a/f, 10 1/2'' wide x 7 1/2'' tall
1117 A decorative carving of a map of Africa, 12 1/2'' x 4'' deep.
long. 1135 A small quantity of miscellaneous to include:
1118 A brass Corinthian column Lamp with cream three oriental painted snuff bottles (no lids),
shade, 31 1/2'' tall. two rose quartz ducks (a/f) and a small
1119 A carved African figure of a musician, 17'' tall. quantity of copper coinage to include pennies,
1120 A quantity of miscellanea to include an half pennies, etc.
abacus, piano musical box, jewellery box, 1136 A French Shagreen cigarette Box with leather
clothes brush, sugar tongs, two spoons, interior, marked ''Giraudon 16. Rue de la Paix,
perfume bottle, watch box, wood and brass Paris'', 6 1/4'' wide x 5'' deep x 2 1/2'' high.
trinket box and a boxed playing cards and dice 1137 An ''Eccles Manchester'' Type 6 miners Lamp,
set. 9 1/2'' tall.
1121 A pair of Hanimex binoculars 7X -15 x 35 and a 1138 A small Mahogany collector's Cabinet of three
pair of Chinon binoculars 10-21 x 23 with drawers with brass recessed handles covered
aluminium case. by two doors (no key present), 12'' wide x 12
1122 A wooden cased Mantle Clock, the white face 3/4'' high x 8'' deep (some wear).
having Roman numerals, with key and 1139 An old wooden school Clock with fusee
pendulum. movement, glass missing (running at time of
1123 A hexagonal Oil Lamp converted to electric lotting). **
with ceramic reservoir, glass chimney and 1140 Two stamp albums and cut outs of world
white glass shade, (as found). stamps and an album of First day covers.