Page 15 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 15
1016 A wooden cased wireless Telephone Receiver, 1037 Two vintage Wedding dresses to include: a
13 1/2'' x 7 1/4'' x 9'' high and a Roberts Radio 1960 dress, and 1980 dress with petticoat.
R600 (both as found). 1038 A Postcard Album of over 100 cards, mostly
1017 A vintage ''Singer'' sewing machine EM976543 early 20th century.
with wooden carrying case and foot pedal, 1039 Three Acme ''Thunderer'' whistles, one British
plus a small ''Singer'' instruction book and Rail (W) and Hudson & Co GPO whistle.
accessories, bobbins, zipper foot, etc. 1040 A quantity of lighters to include: Thorens,
1018 A box of miscellanea to include military Trench Ronson, Cam, a Karle Wieden Kawee 391
gas alarm hand bell, 10'' tall, a gents Rotary striker, Colibri, etc. (8 in all).
watch, Sekonda watches etc., boxed Citizen 1041 An early 19th century Mahogany octagonal
pocket/alarm watch, turquoise and gold Wine Cooler having a lower fluted frieze and
coloured clip-on hoop earrings, boxed heart standing on tapering square legs terminating
pendant necklace, dice set, Celtic knot hip with spade style feet, 18 1/8'' diameter x 28
flask, etc. 5/8'' high.
1019 A Kiso Suzuki & Co Mandolin, model 9655. 1042 A quantity of miscellanea to include: metal
1020 A German mandolin and a cased Violin (a/f) trays with embroidered and scenic centres, an
with label to interior ''The Maidstone'', adjustable book slide, a bell with animal hoof
Murdoch, Murdoch & Co., London. handle, a soapstone figure, a horn powder
1021 An adjustable Piano Stool with a tapestry seat flask (as found), etc.
and splay feet on metal ends. 1043 A pair of bookends, Panama Railroad 1869.
1022 A heavily carved Black Forest style puzzle Box 1044 Seven double bass Bows (some as found).
with lion head to the lid and standing on paw 1045 A set of wooden chess pieces (complete) in a
feet, 12 1/2'' wide x 9'' deep x 8'' high. case, and a pair of duck book ends.
1023 An early 19th century Rosewood sarcophagus 1046 A dressing table Mirror with lower drawers and
Tea Caddy, 7 1/2'' wide x 5 1/2'' high x 4 1/4'' side shelves, 28'' wide x 7'' deep x 30'' high.
deep, with key. 1047 A box of wooden Dominoes with football
1024 A 19th century ''Shakespeare'' Sewing theme backs.
machine, retailed by Smith & Co., Charles 1048 A collection of Lady Diana and HRH the Prince
Street, London. of Wales Royal wedding Stamps in slip case.
1025 A Moore & Wright engineers lockable Chest, 1049 A 'Guards of Napoleon' half-leather bound
17'' x 8 1/4'' x 11 1/4''. Book dated 1860.
1026 Three vintage Car badges - two being AA and 1050 A General Atlas 'Maps of the World' (Dr.
one being Redex and a small tin of safety Film Butler's Atlas of Ancient & Modern Geography)
for Bingoscope and Pathescope. by Dr Samuel Butler 1826 (corrected in 1832)
1027 An intricate, early unmarked gold Bodkin. with 43 hand coloured maps
1028 A 19th century Foot Bellows by Fletcher 1051 A quantity of camera equipment including
Russell & Co Ltd, Warrington. boxed Metz mecablitz 18BC2 Telecompter
1029 Two cast iron Doorstops, one in the form of flashgun, Polaroid 670AF camera, a Kodak
Scottie Dog, the other a Teddy bear. instamatic 204 camera, Agfa Clack camera
1030 Two stoneware Flagons, one marked Joseph 1950's, and a Fugi DL-200 compact, Polaroid
Karn & Son Ltd, Gloucester. 900AF, Olympus superzoom, Minolta 110
1031 A large chrome finished toy Chinese film zoom SLR, etc.
promotional Dog, 6 1/2'' tall. 1052 A quantity of Ordnance Survey maps of
1032 A French slate mantle Clock. (in running order England, France, Australia, plus a small
at time of lotting). quantity of first day cover stamps.
1033 An oriental cast iron Lantern, 8'' tall. 1053 A cast metal doorstop modelled as a golf
1034 A darkwood lidded Box with lower drawer, a caddy, 8'' long, another of daisies in vase, 8
musical jewellery box, stone eggs, small 1/2'' long and a cast iron hedgehog mask, 3
copper bowl, etc. 1/2'' long.
1035 A silver topped Tobacco Jar, Birmingham, 1054 A pair of 20th century gilt wall brackets, 11''
maker Charles S Green & Co Ltd. long, a gilt Florentine tray with an image of
1036 A ''Day in Fairy Land'' story Book in colour, size 'girls gleaning at harvest' and another similar
47cm x 36cm, inscription inside dated tray, 12'' diameter.
September 1950.