Page 15 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 10th and 11th January 2025
P. 15
1085 A nicely modelled wooden figure of a 1100 Two large framed humorous double Pages
Rhinoceros, 13'' long x 6 1/2'' high. from the Financial Times London Share
1086 An Enfield two-train movement Mantle Service for Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th
Clock, with key & pendulum, with October 1987 : 'What Comes Up .... Must
presentation plaque engraved: ''Presented Come Down', 40'' x 30''.
to Mr. Frank Rowlands upon his retirement 1101 A boxed sterling silver 1977 crown coin and
from the Buyers David Morgan Limited, Oct a quantity of Queen Elizabeth II crowns and
28th 1948''. 13 3/4'' wide x 9'' tall x 5'' deep. 5/- coins.
Ran very briefly during lotting. 1102 A wooden cased two train movement Clock
1087 A Chinese bamboo cylindrical Tea with pendulum, stamped Jules Rolez
Caddy/Tobacco box having carved reserves Limited, strikes the hours and half-hours on
of figures and cranes, 5'' tall x 3 1/4'' a gong, 12 1/2'' x 9 1/2'' x 5 1/2'' (running at
diameter. the time of lotting).
1088 A heavy metal footed Dish having four 1103 A quantity of coins including 6d, 1/-, 2/- and
stylised bird motifs, 7 1/2'' diameter x 1 1/2'' 1/2p.
high. 1104 A box of brass threepenny bits.
1089 Two vintage brass Blow torches; one by
Sievert, the other by Monitor. 1105 A cash box of foreign coins and tokens,
1090 An Enfield Napoleon's hat shaped two-train whistles, white metal S. Morden Co.
propelling pencil, etc.
movement Oak cased Mantle Clock with
key and pendulum, 16 1/2'' wide x 9'' tall. 1106 A Negretti & Zambra air velocity Meter with
Ran briefly during lotting. box and original paperwork.
1091 A large quantity of clock dials and bezels 1107 An elegant old, Ormolu/brass scroll design
mantel clock the two-train movement by
(various sizes). Jules Denand A Paris numbered 916 having
1092 A quantity of treen including; a First Aid adjustable silk pendulum suspension and
case, staircase finials, mantle clock (a/f), a striking the hours and half hours on a bell.
pair of wall shelves, etc. The key is present and the clock was
1093 A quantity of miscellanea including; two running at the time of lotting. 9 1/2'' tall.
cased binoculars (one being Omiya 8 x 30),
gas mask, metronome, Salters letter 1108 A contemporary brass nautical sextant by
balance, etc. Stanley of London.
1094 A small quantity of Linen including; 1109 Two Miner's Lamps by Hockley Lamp &
tablecloths (some having oak leaf and Limelight Co.
acorn pattern), napkins having embroidered 1110 A quantity of Bosson's Heads and five Tom
fish, etc. Thumb framed Cottages.
1095 A quantity of miscellanea including; Ostrich 1111 Two Stamp albums, a quantity of loose
egg, metal animals, papier mache floral stamps and an empty stock book, etc.
basket, jewellery stands etc. 1112 A folder of various First Day covers and a
1096 A small quantity of games and puzzles box containing First Day covers and stamp
including; a boxed Chad Valley G.W.R postcards.
wooden jigsaw, marbles, two miniature 1113 A 'Toleware' umbrella stand, 17 3/4'' tall
bone dice plus four bone cribbage board together with a 'Smiths Batteries' metal
pegs, Koch harmonica, etc. Sign.
1097 A small quantity of stoneware including; 1114 A quantity of cased weights and scales.
foot warmers, storage jar, metal water 1115 A 'Hornby' Devon flyer 00 gauge part train
bottle, two wooden chopping boards, etc. set, boxed - no TrakMat.
1098 A small quantity of miscellanea including; 1116 A quantity of Stamps on pages from a pre-
penknife, tea cards, horn snuff box, 1900 album.
cigarette cases, corkscrew, etc. 1117 Four boxes of loose English and foreign
1099 A small quantity of miscellanea including, a stamps.
small silver salt & spoon, a tortoiseshell 1118 Two stamp albums, one containing
trinket box having silver inlay and hinged lid, stamped envelopes.
letter openers, beaded purse, Mother of 1119 A quantity of old postcards and
Pearl opera glasses, etc. photographs.
1120 A Liberty of London terracotta perfume
costrel, reg. no. 517683.