Page 20 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 10th and 11th January 2025
P. 20
1240 ***COLLECTION ONLY*** An apparently 1249 Four WWI medals belonging to 284403
little used AYA Aguirre & Aranzabal 12 gauge Stoker Petty Officer? Chief Stocker James
double barrelled box lock side by side Eaton, demobilized 13th/11/1919, also
Shotgun having 30'' barrels apparently with mentioned in Dispatches, to include:
3'' magnums and with nicely figured Walnut Victory Medal, War Medal, 1914-15 Star and
stock and fore-end, with chequering to the a Long service and Good Conduct Medal.
pistol grip stock and to the fore-end, serial 1250 A quantity of Military cap badges to include:
no. 209403, 3.4 kg. ****PLEASE NOTE*** WWII British Army Loyal Regiment (North
You MUST have a Valid and Current U.K. Lancashire), South Wales Borders, The
Shotgun Certificate to BID for this Lot. ALL Royal Scots, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal
WEAPONS MUST BE COLLECTED IN Army Service, also a RAF Sterling silver
PERSON - NO POSTAGE - AND BY PRIOR sweetheart brooch, cloth shoulder titles for
ARRANGEMENT ONLY PLEASE. The Loyals and the South Wales Border, Old
1241 ***COLLECTION ONLY***An AYA Aguirre & Comrades Reunion badges, etc.
Aranzabal, made in Spain, 12 gauge double
barrel, side by side boxlock Shotgun, serial 1251 A set of WWII Dog tags for 10564476 Pte
no. 450156 having a chequered grip to the David Henry Jones of The Royal Army
stock and forend, having 28'' long barrels, Ordnance Corps, along with a Army Form B
45 3/8'' long overall, cocked and fired 104-81 dated 9th November 1944 notifying
normally during lotting. **PLEASE NOTE** relatives of D. Jones being wounded on the
You MUST have a Valid & Current UK 2nd November 1944 whilst serving in North
Shotgun Certificate to BID for this LOT. West Europe.
**ALL WEAPONS MUST BE COLLECTED IN 1252 A pair of WW2 Bino prism No. 2 MKII Taylor-
PERSON - NO POSTAGE - AND BY PRIOR Hobson 1943 Binoculars.
ARRANGEMENT PLEASE. 1253 A quantity of religious books to include: a
1242 **COLLECTION ONLY** A dress Sword large leather and brass bound Bible, Holy
having a slim etched/engraved blade, 30 Communion manuals, ''Special forms of
3/4'' long, the square brass grip having service in Commemoration of the late
beaded edges, the guard and pommel with Queen Victoria, etc.
similarly beaded detail, 36 14'' long overall, 1254 A boxed bottle of Camus Napoleon Cognac,
sold with a brass and leather scabbard Tesco finest vintage port, cream liqueur
(lacking its tip)***ALL WEAPONS MUST BE from Pompeii miniature Cockburn port,
COLLECTED IN PERSON - NO POSTAGE. bottle opener, cork screw and nutcracker
Proof of age will be required on collection set, stopper and coasters.
which should be by prior arrangement.
1255 A small quantity of treen and soapstone
1243 A Nikko Sterling 3.5 - 10 x 44 AO post and including a pair of turned sycamore
cross-wire telescopic sight with mounting candlesticks, pair of small ebony
clamp 11 mm wide approximately. candlesticks, carved salad servers, onyx
1244 An ''Imre Demjen'' bronze statue of ''Full vases etc.
Parade or Gala Uniform of General of The 1256 A quantity of miscellanea including H.
Hungarian Forces 1849 - 1918'', 10 1/2'' tall Samuel Carriage clock, large conch shell,
overall, limited edition No. 587 complete leather wallets, linen, photograph album
with certificate and presentation case. etc.
1257 A large jointed and straw filled Teddy Bear.
1245 A pair of Ste-ma speakers 1258 Three gents tweed wool flat Caps including
1246 A wooden framed fire screen with woolwork
embroidered floral panel Dunn & Co. and Kenmore plus another
hounds tooth polyester flat cap, size 7''.
1247 Two stock book stamp albums - one having
new unused British stamps with a few in 1259 A quantity of vintage cameras and
sheets, together with a stock book of binoculars to include a Vest Pocket Kodak
stamps in blocks of 4 stamps all of Queen model B, cased Bushnell 8 x 30 binoculars
Elizabeth stamps. a/f. and Opticron 8 x 30 monocular etc.
1248 A graduation Robe by Ryder Amies with 1260 A quantity photograph albums and
mortar board. postcards including black and white
photographs 1930/40's etc.