Page 19 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 19
1141 A pair of binoculars by Commodore 10 x 50 1161 A boxed ''Made in Great Britain'' industrial style
cased. model twin flywheel hot air (Sterling Cycle)
1142 A Walnut sarcophagus Tea Caddy, standing on Engine mounted on a cast metal base with
four bun feet, one handle missing, 12'' wide x safety railings and having an arched burner
7'' x 7'' deep, with brown glass bowl. chamber complete with the metal methylated
1143 A green banker's Lamp, 14'' tall. spirit burner, 7 1/2'' long, 4'' wide and 2 3/4''
1144 A leather briefcase with stationery inserts. high approx. piston stroke 15mm and the
1145 A Mahogany veneered Tea Caddy with two flywheels 2'' diameter approx.
insert compartments, 15'' wide (no mixing 1162 A framed Family tree depicting the
bowl). ''Genealogies of the Kings of France and other
1146 A cased Spanish Accoustic Guitar. Sovereigns of Europe West of the Holy Empire''
1147 A Squire Stratocaster Guitar with lead (a nice , 22'' x 17''.
versatile guitar allowing for the switch 1163 Two framed embroideries of flowers, one on
between playing rhythm and lead), with Levy's silk.
guitar strap and carrying case. 1164 A contemporary oval gilt framed Plaque of a
1148 A ''South Eastern & Chatham Railway'' metal profile relief of a Roman Emperor in gilt, set on
Sign with stove enamel finish, 26 3/4'' long x 5 a dark background, 16'' high x 12''.
3/4''. 1165 A wooden cased mantle Clock with Arabic
1149 A three piece walking stick with brass handle. numerals, with key and pendulum, 17'' x 9''.
1150 Two 1950's glass lighting bowls, one pink, one 1166 A box of candles, soapstone tealight holders
green. and a quantity of contemporary oriental
1151 A large scale model of ''Sovereign of the Seas'' figures including red Buddha, Lion, etc.
Navy ship in shaped perspex case, 39 1/2'' 1167 An oak cased Smiths mantle clock with key
wide x 39 3/4'' deep. and pendulum.
1152 A red lacquered Box with four stacking 1168 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: two
compartments having a porcelain top with an thimble display cases with thimbles, dressing
oriental scene, 16'' wide x 15 1/2'' tall. table brushes, nut crackers,hip flash, etc.
1153 A cast iron Plaque of hunter with his dog, 16'' 1169 A Hilger & Watts machine spirit level cased.
tall and a heavy painted plaque depicting three 1170 A Smiths dark room timer (working at time of
men and a goose. lotting).
1154 A composite Bust of Apollo, 11'' tall. 1171 A box containing old locks.
1155 A small quantity of leather items to include: an 1172 A small Mantle Clock by Eugene Farcot made
Asprey of London crocodile skin wallet with around 1879, single train, glass front allows
silver mounted corners dated 1941, a Webster movement to be seen, with pendulum and key
& Co ''The Allins'' wallet, Asprey cigarette case (running at time of lotting).
and a leather folder with silver mounted 1173 A Time clock movement wall Clock in home-
corners, London dated 1911 by G.H. James & made case with pendulum and key (working at
time of lotting).
1156 A small quantity of artist's materials including 1174 A leather Doctor's case by W.H. Bailey & Son
paint boxes, brushes, pastels, etc. to include: and name inscribed 'W.S.H. Heath M.B Ch.B'
a ''Reeves Student's'' colour box No. 61 John with some instruments inside.
Bull printing outfit. 1175 A watch glass press with adaptors.
1157 A small quantity of frames and plaques to 1176 A Mauthe brass cased mantle clock striking on
include: a pair of small circular watercolours the 1/2 hour and hour on two bells-Ting-Tang,
of landscapes, a terracotta circular plaque (working at time of lotting).
with raised image of a young woman, a small 1177 An Albion battery clock with perspex dome, 8''
decorated mirror with ornate frame, etc. high and a Kundo electric magnetic clock with
1158 An unusual metal Sculpture of a seated tribal glass dome, 9'' high.
warrior holding a weapon, 11 1/2'' tall. 1178 An Orrery with power supply, (working at time
1159 A heavy contemporary Italian made composite of lotting).
Sculpture of a reclining lion, 11'' long x 5'' tall. 1179 A boxed Airflow meter by Airflow
1160 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: three Developments.
albums of holiday photographs, a box of 1180 A cased Dawe sound level meter.
buttons, brushes, a resin spaniel, halcyon 1181 An 8 x 30 monocular with small cased
enamel pots, etc. microscope lens.