Page 14 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 14
830 Two boxes of blankets. 871 A table lamp.
831 A carriage clock, lamps, ornaments, etc. 872 An angle poised lamp (as found).
832 A black office swivel chair. 873 A sports bag and a quantity of rechargeable
833 A box of new shirts and ties, 44cm and 45cm. batteries, etc.
834 A telephone table with drawer, 25'' wide x 16
1/2'' deep x 30'' high. Saturday 22nd February 9am
835 ''DieCast'' vehicles with leads, a wicker
basket, two Buddha. MISCELLANEA
836 A pine kitchen table, 6' long x 35'' depth x 60'' 1001 An Indian Wedding dress outfit in dark green
high. with gold embroidery consisting of long skirt
837 A set of six ''Ercol'' Windsor dining/kitchen and tasseled wrap.
Chairs. 1002 A quantity of miscellanea to include: polished
838 Four boxes of miscellaneous books. agate coasters, carved Buddha, alabaster
839 A piano stool with floral tapestry seat. items, silver rimmed coaster, etc.
840 An acoustic guitar on stand, music books and 1003 A Buddhist text between two carved and brass
amplifier. inlaid pieces of wood.
841 A gorilla ornament. 1004 A quantity of vintage silk Scarves, some by
842 A vintage car ornament. designers Jacqmar , Ella, Krischer, Richard
843 A tray in the form of a duck. Allen, most having hand rolled edges, etc.
844 A Celestron Astro Master telescope, 114EQ. 1005 Various Cashmere items to include: scarves,
845 Two ''Sony'' speakers. jersey, ponchos, pashmina, Burberry
846 Two decorative egg shaped table lamps. cashmere shawl, etc.
847 A small Mahogany side table and a box of 1006 A decorative Wall Hanging possibly silk with
pictures. geometric design, 35'' x 60''.
848 An Oak linen fold drinks cabinet, 31'' wide x 1007 A Victorian Rosewood sarcophagus Tea Caddy
16'' depth x 33 1/2'' high. with two domed hinged lidded caddies, with
849 A box of blue and white china including Abbey mother of pearl escutcheon, mixing bowl (not
George Jones jug, brass candelabra, etc. original), 13'' x 7'' high x 7 1/4''.
850 A box of mixed Lego. 1008 A vintage hand-crafted Wall Hanging depicting
851 A blanket chest. 39'' x 18'' x 20''. rural scenes, possibly Irish, 114'' long x 36''.
852 A children's 'Rupert the Bear' chair. 1009 Two carved African figures and miscellaneous
853 A quantity of decorative pictures. treen items to include a gavel.
854 A wooden torchere, 39'' tall. 1010 A quantity of Stamps, etc. including seven
855 A plant stand and blue painted drawer unit. empty stock books and miscellaneous
856 A yellow easy chair. catalogues, loose stamps and 80 plus Stock
857 Two table lamps (one as found). Cards with British Commonwealth stamps,
858 Two JVC speakers. mint and used.
859 A ''Sony'' stereo system. 1011 A small Hohner piano Accordion.
860 Some miscellaneous pictures (as found). 1012 A pair of Victorian cast metal Ewers with
861 A brass coal box, knitting needles and a puttoes on the handles, masks to top of the
picture. body and latticework with fruit and flowers,
862 Three ''Bolite'' Promandis professional 17'' tall.
photographic studio lights including stands 1013 A porcelain cased chiming Mantle Clock
and filters. having Arabic numerals; the case having a
863 Two framed satellite ,maps. scene of maidens and cherubs on a blue
864 A quantity of bed linen. ground, with pendulum but no key (some
865 Five miscellaneous cushions. hairline cracks), 10 1/4'' wide x 12 1/2'' high.
866 A circular occasional table, 23'' diameter x 23'' 1014 A retro plastic Teaset for six, with oriental
high. mountain and island scenes, in original box
867 A box containing, books, mugs and DVD's,etc. and includes tray and spoons.
868 A quantity of children's toy including ''Duplo'', 1015 A quantity of miscellanea to include an
stick a brick, etc. Optomax 8 x 30 binoculars, Brownie no.116
869 A ''Symmetrikit'' mobility chair. camera, Voightlander camera, pennants,
870 A refectory table, 40'' wide x 28'' deep x 29 1/2'' quantity of fabric travel souvenir bunting, etc.