Page 11 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 11

617      An inflatable Kayak.                         676      Two pictures.
            618      An architect's drawing table.                677      Three rolls of fabric.
            619      Two boxes to include; miscellaneous          678      A roll of fabric.
                     cameras, sticky labels, binder, paper, i-phone,   679      A roll of fabric.
                     etc.                                         679  A  A roll of fabric.
            620      A brass fireguard, and a ''Singer'' electric   680      A small Pine dresser top, 32 1/2'' x 36'' high x
                     sewing  machine.                                      8'' deep.
            621      Miscellanea to include three glass light     681      A ''Russell Hobbs'' mini fridge.
                     shades, Picquot ware creamer and sugar       682      A ''Beko'' double oven with gas burner, 19 1/2''
                     bowl, three smoking pipes, stainless steel            wide x 23 1/2'' deep x 36'' high.
                     teapot, spoons, small scissors etc.
                                                                  683      A faux leather foot stool and coat stand.
                                                                  684      A ''Dyson'' cordless vacuum with charger.
                       BRIC-A-BRAC (INSIDE LOTS)                  685      A ''Hoover'' larder freezer.
            651      A modern Pine Dresser with part glazed top,   686      A ''Vax'' pro vacuum.
                     cupboard and drawers to base, 51 1/2'' wide x   687      Two wall mirrors.
                     74'' high x 17 1/2'' depth.                  688      A large painted Pine Dresser with three frieze
            652      A decorative floor standing lamp.                     drawers, three doored cupboard under and
            653      A corner cupboard, 36'' wide x 71'' high x 23''       three shelves, 68'' wide  x 87'' high.
                     depth.                                       689      A wicker picnic basket complete with four
            654      A large Mahogany finished display Cabinet,            settings, wine glasses, etc.
                     with astra glazed top, the base having three   690      A game light and Play Station 2 games.
                     frieze drawers and three doored cupboard, 60''   691      A box of incense burners and sheep
                     wide x 83'' high x 19'' depth.                        ornaments.
            655      A Rustic demi loom mirror made from an old   692      Two brass coloured figures including ''hear,
                     cartwheel, 49'' wide x 25'' high.                     see and speak no evil'' plus another.
            656      A large pink ground, bordered, patterned and   693      A hearth rug, 49'' x 30 1/2''.
                     fringed rug, 138'' long x 96'' wide.         694      Two ''Singer'' hand sewing machines with
            658      A gentleman's corduroy Waistcoat and Jacket           cases.
                     medium size, and a Ralph Lauren shirt XL.    695      Two framed ''Only Fools and Horses'' bank
            659      A quilted ''Barber'' coat and gilet ladies size 12.   notes.
            660      Two sheepskin coats.                         696      A Mahogany full height corner Cabinet on
            661      A gentleman's leather coat by Albackens               Cupboard, 40'' wide x 78'' high, (glass as
                     Malung, size large.
            662      Three gilt framed tapestry flower pictures.   697      A glazed topped corner Cabinet with mirrored
            663      Two oil paintings.                                    back.
            664      A floral rug, 89'' x 67''.                   698      A wooden musician figure playing double
                                                                           bass, 41'' high.
            665      An ''Ikea'' red pattern coloured rug 5' 7'' x 7' 7''.
            666      An ''Ikea'' red pattern coloured rug, 5' 7'' x 7'   699      Two decorative lanterns.
                     7''.                                         700      An Oak Hallstand with a mirrored back, (one
            667      A ''Paco'' home grey shag pile rug, 78'' x 80''.      drip tray missing), 79'' high x 30'' wide x 12''
            668      A circular Chinese rug in pinks and blue floral       deep.
                     pattern, 63'' diameter.                      701      An art nouveau Oak Hallstand, 75'' high x 35
            669      A single divan bed and mattress.                      1/2'' wide x 11 1/2'' depth.
            670      Two gilt framed mirrors.                     702      A gilt composite based consul table with
            671      Three boxes of mixed books to include: The            marble effect top, 29 1/2'' wide a 33 1/2'' high.
                     Queen, Royal family, antiques, etc.          703      An Oak drop leaf table, 35'' long x 21'' wide
            672      A single bed mattress with a pull out bed.            (closed) x 30'' high.
            673      A double divan bed with drawers to base and   704      A folding bed.
                     Dreamworld mattress.                         705      A lightwood coat stand.
            674      A mustard coloured shag pile rug, 160cm x    706      A Mahogany finished extending Dining Table,
                     230cm.                                                79'' long x 35'' wide x 29'' high and set of six
            674  A  A large green ground floral, patterned and             matching Dining chairs with oatmeal colour
                     fringed rug.                                          seats and backs.
            675      A Mahogany towel rail.                       707      Three hearth rugs.
                                                                  708      Two floral hearth rugs, 24 1/2'' x 50''.

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