Page 7 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 7
304 A post box with key. 351 A quantity of tools, a step ladder, a fold up
305 Two plastic oblong planters, 35'' x 7'' x 8''. wheel barrow, rakes, hoes, shears, forks, etc.
306 A quantity of barbed wire. 352 Four VW hubs caps, a galvanized bucket and a
307 A concrete Statue of a lady, 46'' tall. school bell.
308 A double extending ladder. 353 A cast iron fire pit.
309 A quantity of stone slabs. 354 A plastic planters, a bird feeder and a cold
310 A quantity of scaffolding. frame.
311 An aluminium step ladder. 355 A BMW lawn ''Racer'' mower with ''Wolf'' 5.5
312 A quantity of garden tools, spades, shovels, HP engine.
rakes, etc. 356 A garden chair and table.
313 A galvanised watering can. 357 A plastic dustbin full of plastic and terracotta
314 Two terracotta bulb planters,18'' diameter. pots.
315 A galvanised bath, 26'' x 20'' x 12'' deep. 358 A professional German generator ML8500W.
316 Three scaffolding boards. 371 A Computer table with glass top, 41'' x 2' x 31''
317 Double extending ladder. high.
318 A quantity of loppers. 372 A folding Wheelchair.
319 A 'Dawes' racing bike. 373 A Harmonium/American Organ by D.W. Karn &
320 A metal workshop shelving unit with some Co
contents, 68'' tall x 3' x 9'' deep. 374 A Bosch angle grinder and a Dewalt drill (no
321 An old Oak beam, 4m. long approx. charger).
322 A Raleigh bicycle. 375 A lockable Safe made by 'Phillips & Son
323 A Black and Decker Workmate plus another. Birmingham [Key in office], 17 1/2'' x 17 1/2'' x
324 A 'Saracen' mountain bike, a/f. 25'' high.
325 Two yellow bins. 376 A Gun Cabinet.
326 A rake, pick axe, fork, etc. 377 An Exercise bike.
327 A 'Peugeot' bicycle. 378 A Vax carpet/upholstery Cleaner with
328 A 'Villager' woodburner, 23'' x 28'' high and 13'' attachments, boxed.
deep, (for refurbishment). 379 A wooden storage box 'The Hobbit', 16 1/2'' x
329 A salt glazed sink, 36'' x 18''. 19 1/2'' x 25''
330 A galvanised sheep foot bath. 380 Two wooden ladders, etc.
331 Cast iron drinkers, 41'' x 26''. 381 A portable tool chest with some contents.
332 A quantity of pig wire and a sling. 382 An ''Einhell'' mitre saw.
333 Two Children's bicycles. 383 A ''Garden Pride'' blower vacuum.
334 A quantity of sash clamps and a rake. 384 A ''Worx'' multi tool and an ''Evolution'' circular
335 An ''Igloo'' cooler. saw (not working at time of lotting).
336 Four dining chairs having carne backs. 385 A ''Bosch'' hammer drill (not working) and
337 A quantity of stoneware jars. planer.
338 A glass top patio table. 386 A ''Vitrex'' Power Pro 900w bridge saw.
339 A lawn edging, fire pit grate, flower pot, etc. 387 A ''Kawasaki'' Strimmer/brush cutter and
340 A small quantity of glazed and terracotta hedge trimmer and Strimmer attachments.
planters. 388 A ''Wolf Tools'' Strimmer.
341 A concrete bird baths, 16'' diameter x 15'' high. 389 A Metal detector.
342 Four glazed planter with geraniums. 390 A box of hands tools, spirit level, planer, etc.
343 A quantity of glazed pots. 391 A ''K'archer'' pressure washer (not working at
344 A galvanised watering can with rose, a pail, time of lotting).
bucket and washing line. 392 A box of light bulbs and a greenhouse heater.
345 A garden rabbet, tortoise and a boot rack. 393 A ''Tanaka'' petrol hedge cutter.
346 Three graduated blue glazed planters. 394 A ''Ryobi'' petrol Strimmer.
347 One terracotta planter and one plastic planter 395 A ''Komatsu'' brush cutter.
with plants. 396 A ''Big Bear'' petrol Strimmer.
348 A concrete elephant planter and a dog garden 397 An ''Eckman'' electric hedge trimmer.
ornament. 398 A ''Black and Decker'' Strimmer.
349 A lion ornament. 399 A ''Stanley'' brush cutter.
350 A step ladder with extensions. 400 Six oak dining chairs with green upholstered
drop in seats.