Page 9 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 9
474 Two metal industrial cabinets, 20'' x 42'' x 14'' 514 A large box of furniture fittings and fixings etc.
and a table, 24'' x 24'' x 18 1/2''. 515 A box of miscellaneous china to include:
475 A jewellery display case and a cutlery box. Portmeirion place mats, etc.
476 Two golf bags with clubs. 516 Thee boxes of miscellaneous items to include:
477 A corner display cabinet, 71'' x 26'' x 19''. Dog toys, cooking pot and household items.
478 A large lounge unit, 70'' x 78 1/2'' x 15''. 517 A basket of bird feeders, Scottie Dog doorstop,
479 A quantity of lights, a heater (NOT working), etc.
etc. 518 A box of old cameras to include: Polaroid
480 A LED light panel. EE100, etc, plus tripods and cases.
481 A Numatic vacuum cleaner (working at time of 519 A box of walking equipment, buoyancy aid,
lotting). cramp-on, etc.
482 A galvanised bin, two Shakespeare fishing 520 A cased ''Singer'' sewing machine.
rods, walking sticks, a box of fishing 521 A box of nuts, bolts, washers, etc.
equipment, a hedge bill, etc 522 A box of Kitchenalia to include: place mats,
483 A 2/2 chest of drawers, 45'' x 19 1/2'' x 32''. glasses, plates.
484 A golf bag and contents. 523 A box of furniture fittings, a large quantity of
485 A large mirrored sideboard back, 70'' x 55'' x various screws, etc.
9''. 524 A quantity of hand saws, etc.
486 A pine arched garden gate, 71'' x 30'' wide. 525 A box of miscellaneous torches, etc.
487 Two ''Ikea'' cube shelves. one being 30'' x 30'' x 526 A quantity of laminate flooring.
15'' the other being 58'' x 15'' x 16''. 527 A box of voltage testers, cast iron shoe lasts,
488 A children's wooden play kitchen and a box of etc.
toys, etc. 528 Two boxes of children's toys, plus a bag of
489 A wall mounted shelf, light shades, wardrobe books, and a bag of cuddly toys.
hanging shoe storage, etc. 529 A quantity of furniture nails, screws, etc.
490 A drop leaf table 42'' x 19'' (closed) x 19'' high. 530 A box of sash clamps, etc.
491 A ''Dunlop'' parasol. 531 A gas workshop heater, furniture fittings, etc.
492 A box containing Lin bins, tools, china, etc. 532 Two boxes of furniture fittings and fixings, etc.
493 Five boxes of furniture fixings, Lin bins, planer, 533 Two boxes of miscellaneous to include:
etc. picture frames, vases and cuddly toys.
494 Four boxes of tools, tool boxes, tile cutter, 534 A large quantity of film reel tins (empty).
''Garmin'' sat nav, etc. 535 A large quantity of foil trays/tins, saucepan
495 A large military case. and other kitchen items.
496 A plastic drawer unit containing garden tools, 536 A children's toy pram.
etc. 537 A quantity of garden lights.
497 A ''Black and Decker'' leaf blower. 538 Two canvas fishing bags and contents.
498 A small Kenwood'' gourmet food processor. 539 A quantity of hair brushes and hand mirrors, a
499 A tilt top table. stool, microscope box, etc.
500 Two ''Bionaire'' air conditioning units, outdoor 540 Two suitcases and a jacket.
heater and a coffee machine. 541 Two boxes of miscellaneous china, glass,
501 A wooden owl/bat box. binoculars, etc.
502 A folding bicycle by' Seasure' 542 A wall mounting Lockable safe (key in office),
503 An old suitcase. plus a box of odds, a ''Yale'' lock and key, etc.
504 Three metal military cases. 543 A box containing a pub bottle opener, bellows,
505 An acoustic guitar, music books, etc. stoneware items, etc.
506 A Mahogany desk on turned legs, terminating 544 Two boxes containing, pictures, quiche dishes,
in castors (one missing), 45'' x 27'' x 30'' high. ''Salter'' mincer, brass items, etc.
507 A trunk with brass fittings. 545 A quantity of saddlery including leather
508 Two large metal military cases. blinkers, a horse collar, a part donkey harness,
509 A box of old bottles, tins, etc. leather reins, etc.
510 An ''Orangex'' juicer. 546 Two boxes to include: Star wars puzzle, metal
511 Two brown recliner chairs with foot stools. ornaments, a Renault traffic chrome mirror
512 Three boxes of furniture fittings and fixings, covers, etc.
etc. 547 Two boxes to include: brass hinges, car
513 A folding plastic tea trolley. cleaning equipment, etc.