Page 16 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 16
1055 A large Martell box with rosewood lid, 9'' x 7'', 1068 An early 19th century Wheatley coloured
oriental box with metal mounts, 9'' long and a engraving ''Sea Saw''; three children playing,
felt lined box with bands of inlay, 8'' long. original mahogany circular frame, more
1056 A large red Chinese jewellery box with heavy information on reverse.
brass fitments including Chinese lock and key, 1069 A French 18th century silhouette of a
12'' x 7'', together with a pair of seated temple gentleman in an oval walnut and silver plate
dogs, 8'' tall. frame, information on reverse.
1057 An Edwardian set of Dinner chimes mounted 1070 A miniature oriental model of a seated frog,
on oak base with original hammer. possibly bicolour tourmaline, 1 1/2'' long, a
1058 A 20th century circular tapestry top footstool, novelty silver violin (stamped 925) 2'' long, a
10'' diameter, small two drawer swing vanity miniature silver coloured cherub, 2 1/8'' long
mirror, 13'' tall and a handmade varnished oak and a 19th century five panel bevelled glass
wastepaper bin, 10'' tall and a mixed wood jar trinket box mounted in ornate brass frame with
and cover. mirrored base, 3 1/2'' x 2 1/2''.
1059 A child's folding slatted picnic stool, a large 1071 An Indian patterned brass elephant bell on
vintage book trough, 16'' long and a large treen stand, 4'' tall, a vintage brass and wood ship's
fruit bowl, 12'' diameter, plus an inlaid box wheel nutcracker, ''R.G. Wood'' wooden tie
with satinwood decoration. press, Cribbage board, folding chess set and a
1060 An early 20th century English metal Boot hat pair of pink quartz bookends.
pin stand, 19th century engraved pewter 1072 A gilt leather tooled book box with silk lining,
pounce pot decorated with a dove to centre of 12 1/2'' x 9'' and a tubular leather bottle carrier
wreath, 2 1/2'' tall and a 19th century pewter (one missing), 9 1/2'' tall.
pepper pot having marks to base. 1073 A shell shaped Plaque with African scene, 14''
1061 A Welsh Love spoon, 17 1/2'' long, stamped high x 12'' wide overall.
N.W., hand held bevelled vanity mirror, burr 1074 An antique cornered cased Taxidermy with
walnut baluster jar, 4'' tall, carved slate owl, 3 Toucan mix with tropical birds and snakes, 13
1/2'' tall, carved tribal mask, 11'' long, painted 1/2'' wide x 9 1/2''! deep a 24'' tall.
native pipe 38'' long ad a set of folding wall 1075 A Standard Lamp with copper upright,
clothes pegs. propeller base from de-commissioned
1062 A 19th century set of folding brass dish scales Mumbles Lifeboat with vintage glass shade
in black leather case with four original and bulb, 64'' tall.
weights, plus another set of vintage brass 1076 A set of vintage railway signals, 25'' x 15'' high.
weights from 1lb-1/4 ounce. 1077 Four antique Venetian hand-made stage
1063 A pair of Chinese treen needle boxes covered Puppets (devil as found).
in paper Indian Tree design, each 1 3/4'' tall, a 1078 An Apple iPad (factory reset) and case.
pair of Chinese carved hardwood stands, each 1079 A metal churn Manufacturers maker's Plaque
3'' diameter, a carving of a Chinese five- stamped ''The Shakespearian'' Hathaway
clawed dragon in boxwood, 12'' long and a Maker, 10 1/2'' diameter.
Chinese carved soapstone figure of a sage on 1080 A box of political ephemera to include
a plinth holding the pearl of wisdom, 6'' tall. Herefordshire, Postcards, etc.
1064 A heavy 20th century cast metal abstract 1081 A box of amateur operatic society ephemera
sculpture of a coiled shape, 18'' tall. including accounts books, etc.
1065 A 20th century mixed woods 31 Day Vienna 1082 A quantity of vintage wooden camera tripods.
wall clock having white face and black Roman 1083 Four vintage cameras to include: Kodak, King
numerals, with key and pendulum, 36'' long. Penguin Kershaw, eight-20, Zeis Ikon, etc.
1066 A late 18th century book ''The History of 1084 Two wooden camera components to include:
Hindustan'' printed by H.L. Galabin, Ingram one by W. Watson & Sons.
Court, Fenchurch St. and sold by John White, 1085 A good quantity of vintage wooden plate
Fleet Street. camera components to include ''Le
1067 An early 19th century wooden walking stick Merveilleux'', etc.
with large globular grip possibly Holly wood, 1086 A quantity of camera components to include:
34'' long. wooden plate frames, film reel, a meter, etc.
1087 A good quantity of vintage wooden plate
camera components to include: J.E. Bown's
Lancaster & Son, etc.