Page 21 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 21
1223 A quantity of Treen and games to include: 1243 A silver coloured figure of an Eagle with
Chess, Backgammon board and pieces, 3D outstretched wings, possibly plated, 8 1/4''
nougats and crosses, Rugby ball money box, high.
etc. 1244 An African tribal carving.
1224 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: a 1245 An LNWR (London & North Western Railway)
cased set of ''Wondersigns'' magnetic letters, line inspector's Calcium Carbide - Acetylene
a First Aid tin, telephone and bell, roll of bus gas fired hand-lamp having a brass loop
tickets, etc. carrying handle and fittings and a wide
1225 A vintage copper fish jelly mould. plinth/base in order to stand on uneven or soft
1226 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: Ebony ground. The top vent bears a manufacturers'
dressing table set (tray a/f), two Statton plate: ''King of the Road - Jos. Lucas Ltd.,
compacts, brass and enamel candlesticks, B'ham. Rd. No. 635-157-8''. The lamp appears
boxed napkin, cigarette cards, etc. to be complete with the lens intact, it is 10
1227 An oval metal gilt frame Mirror, 21'' wide x 15'' 5/16'' high. Acetylene gas burns with a
phenomenally bright white flame and lamps of
tall. this nature would undoubtedly have been
1228 A contemporary rectangular brass framed instrumental in ensuring railway safety.
mirror, 22'' x 16''.
1229 A framed Print of map of ''Moravia Scotiae'' 1246 A bundle of hand-made Walking Sticks
(Moray, Scotland), 24'' x 18 1/4''. including hazel.
1230 A quantity of blankets to include: a large 1247 A contemporary gilt framed, bevel plated
crocheted in earth tones, two wool tweed Overmantel Mirror with scroll and rosette
blankets and another (a/f). pediment, 46 1/2'' wide x 36'' high.
1231 Three boxed LP records to include ''Carl 1248 A Copper hot water Urn, 20'' high.
Perkins - Sun Years'' and a ''The Story of 25 1249 An ornate gilt frame, rectangular, bevel edge
Eventful Years in Pictures'', etc. mirror, 42'' x 31''.
1232 Six stamp albums and contents of World 1250 A pair of Dali Zensor 5 floor standing
stamps some part sheets. Loudspeakers, 31'' tall, with metal frame
1233 Ten commemorative Olympic medals stands a/f and instruction manual.
celebrating 1908 - 1980. 1250 A Two boxed Decca records of 'Winston
1234 A quantity of loose stamps to include: Princes Churchill Memoirs and Speeches' along with
of Water, Liberia, France, Qator, USA, etc. an Academy Senior record player.
1235 A quantity of miscellaneous to include: metal 1251 A pair of Woolwork Tapestry/Needlework floral
money tin, cigarette lighters, cufflinks, an pattern Rugs, in beige and black, both 57'' x
unusual pipe, belt buckles, etc. 35''.
1236 Two Butlins badges, two military pins and 1251 A A small quantity of miscellanea to include
three enamel pins including ''H.M. Floating original blacksmith made horse brasses, a
Dock'' sterling silver and a silver ARP Badge, candelabrum, an embroidered picture of an
London, 9.4 gms. owl, a paperweight of bell shape, etc.,
1237 A Bakelite telephone. 1251 B An uncommon and collectable folding ''In
1238 A metal sign 'Parsons Peebles Edinburgh', 38'' Memorian'' card for Queen Victoria with black
wide x 20''. and silver borders with details of ''Memorial
1239 A novelty Mahogany Victorian library Services on Saturday, February 2nd, 1901.
wheelbarrow with iron bound wheels and Interred at Frogmore, on Monday February 4th,
carved shield and monogram JHF, 33 1/2'' long 1901'' . ''Born May 24th, 1819; died January
x 11 3/4''. 22nd 1901'', 4 1/2'' x 3'' approx. (folded).
1240 A brown leather Radley Handbag having pale
blue topstitching, dog charm and dustbag.
1241 An Oak based metamorphic firescreen/table,
the circular top with a depiction of a girl in
crinoline dress with a bonnet and parasol, 22''
1/8'' diameter x 19 1/2'' high.
1242 A part set of good Victorian beechwood
moulding Planes, plus some spare blades
mainly with makers and owners marks.