Page 24 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 24
1296 Three bottles of red wine and one white, a 1316 Five bottle of alcohol to include: ''Paul Langier
bottle of Grenadine syrup and two small Champagne Brut'', ''Chandlers Point Brut'',
bottles of red wine. ''Veuve du Verna demi Sec'', etc.
1297 A presentation boxed 70 cl. bottle of Isle of 1317 Five bottles of various alcohol to include:
Jura 10 year aged Single Malt Whisky, ''Martel IL Cognac'' Barcardi, White rum,
''Slumbering for a full decade in quiet Harvey's Bristol Cream sherry, etc.
contentment, this beguiling spirit has a 1318 Five bottle of various alcohol to include:
lingering taste of warming gentle Oak, ''Carlos I Brandy de Jerez'' 75cl, Stolichnaya
caramel, soft liquorice and roasted coffee Russian Vodka 70cl, Harvey's Bristol Cream,
beans. To be leisurely savoured''. ''San Domingo sherry, and '' Courvoisier Le
1298 A 70 cl. bottle of Chivas Regal Scotch whisky, Cognac de Napolian'' 35cl.
aged for 12 years in hand-crafted casks. 1319 A bottle of Very Special Hennessy Cognac
1299 A 70 cl. bottle of Monkey Shoulder Scotch (sealed, 40%) from a visit to museum and
Whisky - a blend of three Speyside finest warehouse on 30th November 1993 complete
Single malt Whiskies to achieve a smoother, with receipt, bag and story book, along with a
richer taste. bottle of Bols Gin from the same year (sealed,
1300 A presentation boxed bottle of Chivas Regal 37.5%).
Scotch Whisky, a 12 year old blend of the 1320 A quantity of old currency including pennies,
finest aged Speyside malts. half pennies, shillings, half crowns, two
1301 A bottle of Bisquit Cognac Classique in a shillings, sixpences, 3d bit pieces, farthings,
sealed box and a bottle of Courvoisier Cognac, Queen Victoria, George V, Edward VII and
sealed, both 1 litre. Elizabeth II.
1302 Two bottles of Courvoisier VS Cognac, sealed, 1321 A quantity of Foreign notes and coins
both 1 litre. including, Russian Roubles, Canadian cents,
1303 A bottle of Glenmorangie single Highland malt etc and notes from Bank of Myanmar and 1000
Scotch Whisky, 10 year old, 70 cl. in a sealed Kyats, 1000 Italian Lira, etc.
tin. 1322 A quantity of coins to include: Irish Euro
1304 A bottle of Glenfiddich special reserve single commemorative set, five first day issue, £5
Malt Whisky, 70 cl. in tin, sealed. coins, first decimal set, Crowns, etc.
1305 A bottle of Dimple Scotch Whisky, 15 year old 1323 A cased set of five 999 proof solid Silver
sealed and boxed, 70cl. Australian 1oz coins; Perth Mint '2015
1306 A bottle of Dimple Scotch Whisky, 15 year old Australian silver coin collection'.
sealed and boxed, 1 litre. 1324 An album of pre-decimal copper and silver
1307 Two bottles of Janneau Armagnac reserve coins.
special, boxed and sealed, both 1 litre. 1325 A 2005 Welsh Grand Slam Commemorative
1308 A box of six bottles of ''The Wine Society 1874 medal, Two 2002 £5 pound coins, six 1977
Brut sparkling Saumur'', 75 cl.. Crowns and a 2016 Queen Elizabeth II 90th
1309 A box of six bottles of ''The Wine Society 1874 Birthday gold coin.
Brut sparkling Saumur'', 75 cl. 1326 A red coin collecting File of English coins,
1310 A sealed case containing six bottles of sorted into years from 1953 up to 1967, some
''Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut'', 75 cl. complete, but a few with coins missing.
1311 A cased bottle of Glenfiddich single malt 1327 A red coin collecting File having Foreign and
Scotch Whisky, 1 litre. English coins, Victorian pennies, George V
1312 A boxed VSOP Courvoisier Le Cognac de florins and half crowns, silver threepences,
Napoleon, I litre. Eire coins, 10p florin, 50p's, New Zealand
1313 A boxed Remy Martin Fine Champagne coin, cents, franc, etc.
Cognac, 1 litre. 1328 A number of envelopes of mixed foreign coins
1314 A box set of three 33.3cl bottles of Otard to include: Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal,
Cognac, a boxed Harvey's Bristol Cream Morocco, USA, Germany, France, Greece,
sherry, a bottle of Croft Original sherry, etc. Eire, Spain, Belgium, Holland and Canada,
1315 Five bottles of alcohol to include: ''Freixenet together with loose foreign coins, and notes,
Cava Coron Negro'', ''Ernest & Julio Gallo USA dollars, Singapore dollar, etc.
Brut'', ''Chandlers Pont Brut'', etc.
1329 A blue file of old currency and ''cross-hands''
50p pieces and new currency, a Britain's First
Decimal coin set, etc.