Page 29 - Nigel Ward and Co Catalogue 21st and 22nd February 2025
P. 29
1458 A quantity of china to include: Aynsley 1475 A quantity of china to include Susie Cooper
''Cottage Garden'', Crown Staffordshire coffee jug and three side plates, four
''Pagoda'', Barker Bros ''Evergreen'' part coffee Wedgwood Countryware side plates and two
set, Minton plates, etc. (some chips). Coalport British Bird plates, Blue Tit and
1459 A Royal Doulton 'Six Swans' pattern bowl, Lapwing.
1902-1930, 16'' diameter x 5'' . 1476 A Japanese Sushi plate and two Arabica jugs.
1460 A William Moorcroft plate Pansy design 1925, 1477 A 19th century blue and white Willow pattern
8 1/2'' diameter, repaired. cake stand.
1461 A Moorcroft ''Freisia'' ashtray 1940-50 and a 1478 A Cakestand decorated with birds and flowers
Moorcroft pottery jar ''Magnolia'' pattern, 3 made by Paul Jackson.
3/4'' tall. 1479 A 19th century brown jug, a salt glaze vase and
1462 A vintage Royal Doulton Dickens ware plate, a a large Spanish casserole.
Wedgwood ''Humming Birds'' vase. an antique 1480 Three unusual colourful Tureens in the form of
Wilman Foley bone china tea cup Trio watt a rabbits comprised of vegetables, largest
7084 1890/1910, a pair of vintage Bayreuth approx. 15'' long x 10'' high.
vases with silver rim, a large Capo-di-monte 1481 Two porcelain figures of 'Deity'.
ornament, another vase and two Royal 1482 A box of porcelain oriental figures.
Worcester ''poppy'' bowls. 1483 A Thomas of Germany part teaset, white with
1463 A Moorland Chelsea works Burslem ''Huntley silver rim to include: a teapot, six cups and
Cottage'' three piece tea set. saucers, sugar bowl, etc. plus a jug in a similar
1464 Four Royal Copenhagen vases of various sizes style (some a/f).
and a Bing & Grondahl vase figurine of a young 1484 A J.H.W. & Sons Falcon ware part Dinner
girl holding a doll. service having a yellow landscape with white
1465 A Moorcroft ''Tulips'' pattern plate designed by storks pattern border, (some a/f).
Sally Tuffin, 1990's, 10 1/4'' diameter. 1485 A quantity of white and gold part tea and
1466 A Moorcroft ''Islay'' boxed Vase, designed by dinner sets to include: Royal Worcester
Rachel Bishop, MDS mark, 6'' high. ''Pompadour'', Royal Worcester ''Hyde Park'',
1467 A pair of Royal Copenhagen guinea pigs. Wedgwood, etc.
1468 A small quantity of china to include: a small 1486 A Crescent china George Jones & Sons Cobalt
Staffordshire flat back of a boy seated on a vase with an underwater scene depicting fish
goat, a Royal Albert ''Cosmos'' miniature cup and algae, 13'' tall.
and saucer, etc. 1487 A quantity of Royal Worcester to include:
1469 A Royal Doulton wash bowl & jug, cream and ''Evesham'' bowls, utensil vase, tureens, etc.
floral, crack to underside of wash bowl and ''Evesham Vale'' plates, ''Arden'' trinket dishes,
handle repaired. etc.
1470 A quantity of china to include: two Shelley 1488 A quantity of Royal Worcester ''Evesham'' to
cake plates, a Royal Doulton plate, a include: flour dredger (no stopper) souffle
Capredoni glass paperweight with wolf and dishes, chocolate cup, cake knife, etc.
cubs, a large lime green vase, etc. 1489 A small quantity of Royal Worcester
1471 A Paragon fine bone china tea set ''Coniston'' ''Evesham'' tea ware to include: a coffee pot
to include: six of each cups, saucers, side (no lid), eleven cups and thirteen saucers,
plates, a cream jug, a sugar bowl, a cake plate cream/milk jug and a lidded sugar bowl.
and a tea pot, (one cup with broken handle) 1490 A quantity of Royal Worcester ''Evesham''
1472 A Royal Worcester fine bone china dinner dinner ware to include: tureens, soup coups
service in ''Viceroy'' pattern to include: eight of and saucers, side plates, etc.
each, 11'' dinner plates, 9'' soup bowls, 8'' side 1491 A W & Sons ''Pekin'' part tea set to include:
plates, side/salad crescents, a meat plate, eight cups, eleven saucers, eight tea plates, a
gravy boat and stand and three lidded jug, a slop bowl, etc.
vegetable bowls. 1492 Three floral part china tea sets to include:
1473 A Royal Worcester 'Viceroy' set of eight cups, Tuscan, Wellington china, etc.
saucers and tea plates. 1493 A part Ridgways ''Blue Seville'' dessert set to
1474 A Royal Worcester 'Viceroy' set of eight cans include: three plates, two short footed
and saucers comports and one taller comport.